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  1. M

    The Best Beer

    Wynkoop is directly across the street from Denver Union Station, and when the CZ is on time and holds up for a while, it's nice to go get a beer and some non-train food if you're doing a long trip.
  2. M

    Breakfast on the Northbound Silver Star (#92)

    Hi all, question for those in the know: Can passengers boarding at Cary (815a) or Raleigh (854a) order breakfast in the dining car, or is that too late? And are there reservations for lunch (i.e. possibility that there won't be availability for coach passengers) or is it first-come...
  3. M

    Hat Etiquette

    Maybe they just like the way it looks? I think it would be hard to compare wearing a hat and holding an umbrella over the dinner table. Keep in mind that this comes from a time when you'd also be allowed to smoke with dinner (or anywhere else), where significant sections of society were...
  4. M

    Hat Etiquette

    I guess I don't get the "it's just common courtesy" thing. No doubt it's true, but it's old-fashioned and what's the point? Is there a logical reason for doing this? Otherwise, it seems like it boils down to "things used to be done this way." Thankfully we've shed some of the outdated...
  5. M

    Felony Theft Aboard Amtrak

    Have you seen the threads where they discuss someone who got hit by a train? Half the people want the corpse arrested for trespass. Poor judgment on the part of the OP, of course. Put the laptop in a smaller bag and keep it with you, problem solved. Still, no reason to be mean.
  6. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    Granted, this is eight years old and Senator McCain seems to change positions quite often, but... McCain Proposes Abolishing Amtrak
  7. M

    Changes to Accepted Forms of Payment

    Can I change some of my beads for your "travelers checks?" I'm about to embark on a 3-month steamer trip to the Orient. I've heard that Siam does not participate in the bead trade, and as I'd like to be able to purchase rubies for my betrothed back here in the 36 states. Perhaps they will...
  8. M

    Amtrak's Answer to my complaint about photography

    You're quite persecuted, so I appreciate you tolerating my remarks. Clearly I misinterpreted the 'you must be smoking something' remark directed my way before as some sort of attack on my character. You obviously meant it as a compliment; my apologies.
  9. M

    Amtrak's Answer to my complaint about photography

    So in the case of a non-Amtrak employee making a comment in a non-Amtrak-owned station, to whom would they send this enlightening correspondence?
  10. M

    Changes to Accepted Forms of Payment

    I imagine there was similar outrage when some businesses stopped accepting gold dust, sea shells, and beads. That reminds me of a good joke a friend telegraphed the other day...
  11. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    Where are you getting this information? The Fact Sheet doesn't mention revenue sources and the only thing I've heard regarding oil companies in the last couple weeks is ending some tax credits for multinational corporations in favor of the small business tax credits.
  12. M

    Amtrak's Answer to my complaint about photography

    So what you're saying is that being sarcastic or demeaning to someone in this circumstance will not yield a more favorable result? I totally agree. Of course, where I don't agree is that there is any value to be sarcastic and combative to a person who had nothing to do with the OP's concern.
  13. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    Another good point. Fortunately, it does seem that the administration is willing to spend some political capital in pushing for alternative forms of transportation. Although Congress ultimately passes a budget, the President can use the bully pulpit to push for his budget priorities.
  14. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    Again, the Democrats, while being in control of the budget process, have passed exactly one budget. In that budget and the supplemental bill, Amtrak got unprecedented funding. As far as Republicans promoting "free markets and less government intrusions," I think you mean they simply prefer the...
  15. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    Nice post transit54. I think that Obama submitted a request of 2.8B for the FRA in 2011, but I don't know if stimulus spending is included in part of that or not (for 2011, it was listed as something like 4.1B, so maybe all the stimulus spending was included in the 2010 budget). But I agree...
  16. M

    Amtrak's Answer to my complaint about photography

    I think it's possible to express that you have a concern without mocking or belittling anyone. In fact, I find that expressing frustration or concern in the manner of an adult often results in a pleasant resolution for all. It seems that you're unable to express a differing opinion without...
  17. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    BTW, Obama has written exactly *one* budget, so I'm not sure how you can blame him for the fact that the budget authorization plan has not yet materialized. In addition to the regular funding, Amtrak got something like $1.3 billion out of the stimulus, (and that doesn't count any of the high...
  18. M

    Obama: more investment in rail (Labor Day)

    I assume you mean fillibuster-proof, not veto proof (2/3), which did exist for about 6 months if you consider Lieberman a Dem. Here's Amtrak's five-year funding authorization from 2009 to 2013, you can see it rises from 1.49 billion to 2.23 billion. That's more than a 50% increase in 5 years...
  19. M

    Amtrak Police shook me down in Reno

    Indeed. The last time I rode the CZ, I got off the sleeper at Reno to have a cigarette. A young man boarded with two extremely large and heavy suitcases, put them in the bag hold, and then went up to the roomette next to mine. After I reboarded, I heard a commotion next door, looked out and...
  20. M

    Amtrak's Answer to my complaint about photography

    How mature is it to send an aggressive and sarcastic communication to someone who cannot respond in kind?