LAUS Metropolitan Lounge Master Thread

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
Per a Post on trainorders the New Metro Lounge upstairs over the Amtrak Ticket Counters opened @ 5:00 A.M> today for Tickedted Business Class Pax on Surfliners, Sleeping Car Passengers on LD Trains and Select + and SE Members! According to the Post it Looks Nice (no mention of Services or Staff in the Lounge) and for today's Starlight#14 over 100 Passengers were in the Lounge! Be interesting to see what happens with the other LD Trains as the Days Progress!!
Wonderful. The old waiting area by the Trax lounge for the northbound Starlight was nice to have but this sounds so much better. Just one more reason to visit down there soon.
Wonderful. The old waiting area by the Trax lounge for the northbound Starlight was nice to have but this sounds so much better. Just one more reason to visit down there soon.
Ironically, passengers on the first n/b Coast Starlight leaving LAX since the new lounge opened got an extra couple of hours to enjoy it,

as #14 departed LAX 2 hrs, 20 minutes late yesterday. :huh:
Super news -

My wife, daughter, and I caught the Coast Starlight from LAX the end of June and the attendant who was checking sleeping car passengers in at the Traxx Lounge was telling us then that there would be a Metropolitan Lounge coming soon.
If someone passes through LAUS... snap some pictures of the Metropolitan Lounge and post them up here!
True this! Hopefully the Riff raff Business Class Riders on the Surfliners won't Trash the Place for we Real Train Riders! :giggle:

I'm kidding folks, Please no-one get their Knickers in a wad over perceived Classism! ;)
I'm waiting for the pictures too... ...if the '1st class' pax on yesterday's #14 (of course in addition to the BC pax ;) ) have not already trashed it? I mean, what better use is there of an extra 2 hours, 20 minutes, other than to 'break in' the place? :unsure:
Thanks for sharing those, that's a nice looking joint. Kind of small and crowded looking...


Thanks for sharing! Found one more image on the facebook page:


An Amtrak official said over on Flyertalk that this is temporary, rental furniture and it will be a few weeks until the permanent furniture is delivered.

I'm guessing that's when they will have the official grand opening.
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:hi: :cool: Thanks for posting the Pics! I look forward to hearing from Members that have been there, as Ryan said it looks Good if somewhat Small! Hopefully it wont be as Crowded as the Metro Lounge in CHI gets when All of the LD Trains are in the Same Time Frame plus then Now Business Class Pax from the Lincoln and Michigan Trains! ;)
If it's temporary furniture, is that some modern 'firm style' papasan chair?
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Congrats Los Angeles Union Station! We're riding the Sunset Limited in a couple of weeks and I'll add some photos of the lounge to this page. In LA, I like to go on up to the platform to watch the trains back into position before boarding. I'm 73, but still get a kick out of stepping onto the train.
It has windows! And I'm not talking about on the ancient computer(s) they often have for guests. :D

THANKS for the pics!
Theres a Post today on the AGR Forum on Flyer Talk with a Review of the New Lounge and a Link to Facebook Pictures that really show how Nice the New Lounge is! :) Wish I was there to try it out! ;)
Wonder what the view out the window is like?
I haven't been there yet but I've been told the view (at least out of some of the windows) is of the rail yard. You'll see lots of Metro Gold Line light rail trains coming and going all day long on tracks 1 & 2 (closest to the lounge). You should also be plenty of Metrolink train movements during the morning and afternoon rush on tracks 3-10. I'm not sure how much you'll be able to see of the Amtrak movements on tracks 11-14.

You'll also be able to see carts shuttling luggage between the station and the trains out on the platforms.

It may not be the most scenic view in all of LA... but for us railfans there should be plenty of interesting stuff to see out of the windows.
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