United, American, Delta, and Southwest

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Jan 23, 2021
The other thread talking about good options for domestic US travelling got me thinking about everyone's thoughts and experiences with these four airlines. I do consider myself an avgeek, but have very few domestic flights under my belt (only two with United), so I don't have a very informed opinion. Although I'm bit biased towards United. So what do you all think about these four?
Since I don't regularly peruse the airline forums, I would also be very interested in the perspective of the people on this forum. Since most of my flying is on AA (as a non-rev), I really don't have a good basis of comparison. Back in the regulated era, UAL was my airline of choice, when there was a choice, but the UAL of back then, and today's, are not really the same. I guess you can say that about the other 'legacy' carriers as well...
The other thread talking about good options for domestic US travelling got me thinking about everyone's thoughts and experiences with these four airlines. I do consider myself an avgeek, but have very few domestic flights under my belt (only two with United), so I don't have a very informed opinion. Although I'm bit biased towards United. So what do you all think about these four?
I despise United due to an incident years ago and refuse to fly them unless I have to for work. I haven’t flown them since early 2019 (and they lost my bags) and before that the last time I flew them was 2014 so I do not have a good idea what their onboard service or operational reliability are like today. American and Southwest are ok in my book, some good some bad. They will get you where you need to go safely and they are relatively reliable outside of a few very public meltdowns. Delta is the best of the big four in my opinion. There coach seats, especially on Airbus aircraft, are comfortable and the legroom is slightly above average. Their customer service is adequate and they are also relatively reliable. I know that is faint praise but it’s the best I can say about any of the big four.
Jetblue, IMO, is the best domestic airline in the US. The good, they offer the most legroom in coach, the seats are really comfortable, and the customer service in the air and on the ground is excellent. The bad is if you don’t live in the NE or Florida or arent trying to get there they are useless. Their operational reliability is poor and their customer facing IT (website/app) is extremely glitchy and slow. Living in the NE they fly where I want to go so I use them as often as possible.
I've pretty much only flown Southwest and United over the past 15 years or so (with one round trip on Hawaiian Airlines). At this point, it seems like really the only difference between those two is that on United you get a reserved seat, along with the opportunity to pay even more for a more comfortable seat.

At one point, I was having a spate of United round-trips where the outbound was on time, but there were significant delays on my homeward journey, most memorably an overnight mechanical delay at Denver (United did provide a free hotel and a food voucher). This streak was broken on my overseas United trip in May, where my London-to-LAX trip arrived on time.

I've had no major customer service issues with either airline. That said, since I don't fly that often, I've managed to avoid the various extended service meltdowns they've had (United very recently, Southwest around Christmas 2022, for example).
I don't fly often any more (just once in the past 5 years) but Southwest was my go-to airline. I have flown some on Alaska Airlines, too, as it has many flights between Spokane and Seattle, so if I have needed to make that connection via air, it's convenient. It's also due to my blatant nepotism. 😄 My nephew is a web designer for Alaska. The worst customer service I have ever received on any airline was Delta. Crabby attendants, ordering us where to sit, telling us to deplane last, then throwing a fit because we were last off the plane. My mom needed a wheelchair to get off and they refused. I'll walk before I take Delta again.
I can't really compare too well anymore. That time I flew anything other than Southwest was American in 2009 (BWI-DFW every month), and a couple of times on United in 2009 and 2010 BWI-SFO and BWI - ORD. These were mostly for work, and I think I got some special treatment flying on government contract fares -- checked baggage was included and I got in the early boarding groups. This was, of course, coach, and essentially no meal service, even the 5-6 hour transcontinental flights. The United curbside check-in at SFO was a real clusterf*, but otherwise, everything was OK and the flights uneventful. I had one flight north from DFW where we had some tailwind and were doing a ground speed of over 700 mph and got into BWI a half hour early.

Since then, every flight I've taken (except for my trip to Beijing) has been on Southwest. I have no real complaints, nothing special, but they seems to generally do the job OK. I appreciate the fact that checked baggage is included in the ticket I've used carry-on suitcases, and it's a pain in the neck. The open seating thing is a bit of a nuisance, and I generally shell out for "early-bird check in" so that I can ensure that I'll be in an relatively early boarding group. It's also nice that I don't have to run to a device exactly 24 hours before the fight to print a boarding pass.
I'm one of the don't fly that much anymore since Retirement folks, but with the current Status of the Texas Eaglette, my home train, I have taken several flights on Southwest in the last couple of years!

They have good fares, frequent flights, mostly pleasant staff and free bag check. Recommended!

My other flights have been on Alaska Airlines which have been very pleasant , so If flying to the Northwest I highly recommend them!
In the last 10 years or so my flying has either been transatlantic BOS - LHR/LGW or BOS/ORH to FLL or IAH for cruises. Airlines include Delta, American, Jet Blue (from ORH) and United. I have no complaints of any of these flights. Most were on time except for JetBlue from ORH (Worcester MA) to FLL which left late because the pilots being driven in from Boston got stuck in a traffic jam.

Also our return flight in Jan 2015 on Delta from IAH to BOS was delayed due to snow at Logan and we had to hold around PVD while they cleared a runway. There was talk of diverting to BDL but in the end we were able to make a very white-knuckle landing in BOS. I thought the Delta crew was very professional given the trying circumstances. This was the famous "snowmaggedon" winter in Boston where the MBTA was essentially shut down when we got there and there were mountains of snow everywhere.

The transatlantics were all good and on time. Of course you get a better class of service even in economy on these flights with free meals and drinks.
I'm a little biased, having permanent status with two of the named airlines. Not having to pay for things like seat selection, checking a bag and boarding while the overheads are still empty can influence the choice most times. I don't mind DL, and have had several decent flights with them, however they don't seem to do as well in IROPs as the others based on my experience. Southwest's seating plan is annoying and they don't serve most places I need to go. (The closest is BUF, and once there better options open up - including Amtrak.) I have nothing bad to say about Alaska, although not on the title list. Several flights with them - usually on AA codeshares - have been nothing short of excellent.

As for my two, AA has seldom let me down and when they have I have been more than adequately compensated. Their partnership with airlines like BA and JL has been very useful over the years. UA fills gaps that would be inconvenient on AA and is a partner with Air Canada, increasing flight and mileage redemption options. With AA recently gutting their frequent flier plan and making some unfortunate schedule changes, I will likely shift more business to UA. One added benefit is UA considering Canada as an international destination granting lounge access, whereas AA calls it domestic so "no lounge for you!".
I have had issues with all of the major US airlines, but fly mostly SW and AA. Hopefully this won't jinx anything but overall my best and most consistent experiences have been on AA. I'm posting below my rant on my recent United experience that led to my "never again" vow.
"Apologies for the following rant but I want to warn everyone on my lists about United Airlines. Here is my experience about getting to Phoenix from Cleveland Monday to Tuesday last month
"I was stuck in Houston International from Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon due to the incompetence, uncaring and chaotic mismanagement of United Airlines. I have already commented to them about their monumental mismanagement of this crisis. I arrived in HOU from Cleveland at around 7pm( I initially left Pittsburgh at 9am to go to Cleveland and the R&R HOF). Staying at the gate, we were not told the flight was cancelled until around 2am. Indeed about every 20 - 30 minutes after the initial departure time we were given a new departure time. Amid nascent fist fights and the arrival of 3 Houston police, we were finally told around 2am that Chicago in their brilliance had decided to cancel the flight. That triggered the "what about my luggage" scramble that sent a plane load of people to baggage where we were given mis-information that it would be available at 6am. No it wasn't then about 6:45 the beleaguered baggage attendant announced that she wasn't accepting any "retrieve luggage". requests and even when they were accepted it would take 4-6 hours to retrieve the luggage. Out of desperation ( the flight was originally scheduled to Phoenix), I saw a staff member that appeared knowledgeable and asked her if "since my bag was going to Phoenix, might it have been sent on ahead." Yes she answered as I immediately booked a flight on Southwest for an additional $400+ and arrived in Phoenix at 6pm and, mirabile dictu, my luggage was waiting for me at Terminal 3. I. Will. Never. Fly. United. Again!"
I have had issues with all of the major US airlines, but fly mostly SW and AA. Hopefully this won't jinx anything but overall my best and most consistent experiences have been on AA. I'm posting below my rant on my recent United experience that led to my "never again" vow.
"Apologies for the following rant but I want to warn everyone on my lists about United Airlines. Here is my experience about getting to Phoenix from Cleveland Monday to Tuesday last month
"I was stuck in Houston International from Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon due to the incompetence, uncaring and chaotic mismanagement of United Airlines. I have already commented to them about their monumental mismanagement of this crisis. I arrived in HOU from Cleveland at around 7pm( I initially left Pittsburgh at 9am to go to Cleveland and the R&R HOF). Staying at the gate, we were not told the flight was cancelled until around 2am. Indeed about every 20 - 30 minutes after the initial departure time we were given a new departure time. Amid nascent fist fights and the arrival of 3 Houston police, we were finally told around 2am that Chicago in their brilliance had decided to cancel the flight. That triggered the "what about my luggage" scramble that sent a plane load of people to baggage where we were given mis-information that it would be available at 6am. No it wasn't then about 6:45 the beleaguered baggage attendant announced that she wasn't accepting any "retrieve luggage". requests and even when they were accepted it would take 4-6 hours to retrieve the luggage. Out of desperation ( the flight was originally scheduled to Phoenix), I saw a staff member that appeared knowledgeable and asked her if "since my bag was going to Phoenix, might it have been sent on ahead." Yes she answered as I immediately booked a flight on Southwest for an additional $400+ and arrived in Phoenix at 6pm and, mirabile dictu, my luggage was waiting for me at Terminal 3. I. Will. Never. Fly. United. Again!"
With all of the recent meltdowns that seem to be becoming a Regular feature @ most Airports, and on most Carriers,( including Southwest!)and @ Amtrak, the "Never Again!" Mantra seems destined to become an everyday occurence!🤪🥺🤬
With all of the recent meltdowns that seem to be becoming a Regular feature @ most Airports, and on most Carriers,( including Southwest!)and @ Amtrak, the "Never Again!" Mantra seems destined to become an everyday occurence!🤪🥺🤬
Yeah, it seems to be that if you want to get somewhere reliably, you might as well drive a car.
I live in a smaller city that has relatively good service on American thorough Chicago and Dallas. Charlotte is promised for sometime this year. The main problem, as MARC Rider and others have pointed out, is that when there is a meltdown at one of those two hubs things can be much worse than Amtrak on their worst day. Most flights are full so finding a flight after a missed connection can take a while. Almost 50 years of flying to Denver at Thanksgiving or Christmas suggest that there is almost no difference between United, American, and Southwest. If the weather is bad it can be two or three days before you get a flight.
Despite Midway being easier to get to I've been primarily flying UA or AA since they offer more non-stops or go to the destination I need to - travel a bit for work and it's nice to be able to choose your seat and not worry if there will be a meltdown (one of my friends got stuck in Providence last Christmas) - plus I have a good friend who retired from AA and another just got hired at UAL so I'm a bit biased.
As someone who has barely flown within the US, I've often seen American be portrayed as the most mediocre of the legacies. Nice to see that they have some positives as well.
As someone who has barely flown within the US, I've often seen American be portrayed as the most mediocre of the legacies. Nice to see that they have some positives as well.
Back in the day of the Proud "Silver Birds", AA was my Airline of Choice.I was a very early Member of American Advantage when Lotality Programs actually meant alot!

Times sure have changed!🥺
I take over 30 flights per year, mostly domestic. NYC is my base so I have my choice of carriers, but I choose Delta unless there’s no other option or unless there’s a huge difference in fares.

I find that Delta has the newest, cleanest planes and the friendliest staff of any legacy. I used to be a Continental/United fan but their product and service started to decline about 10 years go, and at the same time Delta’s improved. I’d rank American behind those two, and I avoid Southwest at all costs due to their inane boarding process and lack of business class (when you fly as much for work as I do, you need a comfy seat and enough laptop room).

All that said, I think a lot depends on the specific route and the metal the airline is flying on it, just like how Amtrak routes and rolling stock vary in reliability and comfort. I check the aircraft type before booking anything. I hated MD aircraft the way some people hate Viewliner I roomettes with toilets! 😊

Despite the hundreds of flights I’ve taken, I’ve had relatively few cancellations or major delays. Even though I’m now loyal to Delta, I’ll still choose another airline if Delta only has one or two flights per day to where I’m going. Too risky. I also try to travel in the morning to avoid weather in summer. And I avoid peak holiday travel days like the plague.

For other airlines, I think JetBlue is good, and I recently flew the fairly new JSX, which I loved.
Interesting. There's no car traffic in Austin?
Actually, even when there are traffic jams, the delay is usually not that much in the big scheme of things. You usually aren't stranded overnight, unless it's a weather thing. Anyway, I was thinking more of intercity traffic. I used to have to drive out to Ohio for work. Once I got out of the Baltimore-Washington area, the traffic on I-70 and I-76 was not heavy at all, even going around Pittsburgh.
I have had issues with all of the major US airlines, but fly mostly SW and AA. Hopefully this won't jinx anything but overall my best and most consistent experiences have been on AA. I'm posting below my rant on my recent United experience that led to my "never again" vow.
"Apologies for the following rant but I want to warn everyone on my lists about United Airlines. Here is my experience about getting to Phoenix from Cleveland Monday to Tuesday last month
"I was stuck in Houston International from Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon due to the incompetence, uncaring and chaotic mismanagement of United Airlines. I have already commented to them about their monumental mismanagement of this crisis. I arrived in HOU from Cleveland at around 7pm( I initially left Pittsburgh at 9am to go to Cleveland and the R&R HOF). Staying at the gate, we were not told the flight was cancelled until around 2am. Indeed about every 20 - 30 minutes after the initial departure time we were given a new departure time. Amid nascent fist fights and the arrival of 3 Houston police, we were finally told around 2am that Chicago in their brilliance had decided to cancel the flight. That triggered the "what about my luggage" scramble that sent a plane load of people to baggage where we were given mis-information that it would be available at 6am. No it wasn't then about 6:45 the beleaguered baggage attendant announced that she wasn't accepting any "retrieve luggage". requests and even when they were accepted it would take 4-6 hours to retrieve the luggage. Out of desperation ( the flight was originally scheduled to Phoenix), I saw a staff member that appeared knowledgeable and asked her if "since my bag was going to Phoenix, might it have been sent on ahead." Yes she answered as I immediately booked a flight on Southwest for an additional $400+ and arrived in Phoenix at 6pm and, mirabile dictu, my luggage was waiting for me at Terminal 3. I. Will. Never. Fly. United. Again!"
On a round trip earlier this year BOS - IAH I have to say the United facility at IAH was one of the most chaotic and disorganized I have seen with random lines snaking about the terminal and no indication of where one was supposed to go. Once we finally made it to the plane it was good from them on.
On a round trip earlier this year BOS - IAH I have to say the United facility at IAH was one of the most chaotic and disorganized I have seen with random lines snaking about the terminal and no indication of where one was supposed to go. Once we finally made it to the plane it was good from them on.
IAH these days is quite a mess because of massive construction and modification projects taking place.
Back in the day of the Proud "Silver Birds", AA was my Airline of Choice.I was a very early Member of American Advantage when Lotality Programs actually meant alot!

Times sure have changed!🥺
Back when this commercial ran?;)

I usually fly about 30 to 40 legs a year on United, 4 on American Airlines every other year and 8 to 20 on foreign airlines in my international travel years, which tend to be every 3 or 4 years. Airlines in the US are not very good, but I have had most of my good experiences here with United, not American Air.
My favorite international airlines are EVA Air, All Nippon and Etihad for service and charm. United is my favorite American airline and it is not even close to those, though it is better than my experiences with American Air, (or Air Canada and Air New Zealand), all of whom have left me stranded. I have had my share of travel emergencies, from family members at deaths door to getting stranded in Denmark during an SAS strike and catching Covid, and when I needed help, United either got me to my family in a hurry or found a way to get me home from Europe. (And upgraded me to Polaris Class, too.)
So in my book, I think "favorite American airline" for many of us is the one we have been lucky enough to NOT have a travel disaster with.
There is one reason that I have so far avoided participating in this discussion, and that is because I could hardly be counted as a typical air traveler, what with the various high special status that I hold with a few airlines. I am quite sure that I am treated way better than an average passenger when things go pear shaped, which they inevitably do from time to time.

One of the worst happened last year in August when I was en route to India, which I have described elsewhere. It was a cancellation due to mechanical that led to a reroute involving three airlines, which was more or less automatically set up for me awaiting my approval because one of the last legs involved a downgrade. Net net I was delayed 24 hours because one of the legs involved infrequent flights.

So far I have mostly flown United and some Delta domestically, and both have been perfectly adequate, not necessarily something to write home about, but adequate, mostly reliable and efficient.