What happened to 11/12/13 Silver Meteors?

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Amtrak Rider
Staff member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 5, 2009
Orlando, FL
Both 98 and 97 lost many hours early this morning (11/13) between Florence and Fayetteville. Does anyone know what happened?
Both 98 and 97 lost many hours early this morning (11/13) between Florence and Fayetteville. Does anyone know what happened?
According to trainorders Penny, it was a Combination of Freight Traffic, an Engineer having Medical Problems, Track Work and the Crews Timing Out due to the Various Delays!
Both 98 and 97 lost many hours early this morning (11/13) between Florence and Fayetteville. Does anyone know what happened?
According to trainorders Penny, it was a Combination of Freight Traffic, an Engineer having Medical Problems, Track Work and the Crews Timing Out due to the Various Delays!
Thanks Jim. I am sorry to hear that an engineer was having medical problems, but am happy that there was no accident involving either train since they are "my" trains. :lol:
Both 98 and 97 lost many hours early this morning (11/13) between Florence and Fayetteville. Does anyone know what happened?
According to trainorders Penny, it was a Combination of Freight Traffic, an Engineer having Medical Problems, Track Work and the Crews Timing Out due to the Various Delays!
Thanks Jim. I am sorry to hear that an engineer was having medical problems, but am happy that there was no accident involving either train since they are "my" trains. :lol:
Seems like the Silver Trains have Caught the Hi-Line Disease lately what with all the Track Work, Freight Problems, Bustittutions etc. Good thing there isn't an Oil Boom going on in Florida or we'd be having a Never Ending Thread about the Silver Miseries!
As "luck" would have it, when I took 98 & 97 between DLD and ALX 5 weeks ago the trains were early or on time .
Completely hijacking this thread, I went out and followed the NB Meteor as it came through Savannah on Monday night. Much to my delight and suprise, not five minutes behind it was a 1927 Doodlebug doing work as Sperry Rail Services Inspection Car #119. Making good time, I might add, behind the 79 MPH Silver Meteor...

Very cool.
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Completely hijacking this thread, I went out and followed the NB Meteor as it came through Savannah on Monday night. Much to my delight and suprise, not five minutes behind it was a 1927 Doodlebug doing work as Sperry Rail Services Inspection Car #119. Making good time, I might add, behind the 79 MPH Silver Meteor...

Very cool.
Thanks for identifying that...I saw it go through in Jesup and wondered what it was. CJ
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