Virtual Tour of NYP

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Sep 18, 2009
Every time I see pictures and diagrams of New York Penn Station of the time before they tore it down, I can't figure out what it really looked like. Unfortunately it was gone by the time I started venturing into NYC. It seems to me that software exists (you see it in presentations of real estate properties) that would allow someone to construct a program so that we could take a virtual tour - as if we were standing there. It would be nice if someone could (just snap their fingers and) make that happen.

Photographs exist for some of it. Artists renderings could be used for the missing parts. Think of what an architect does when s/he presents the concept for a building to the board of directors BEFORE the build is constructed.

From what I was just told, this would entail a lot of research, many, many hours from skilled people, and therefore a lot of money, and still the result may not be what people expect today. Though many would enjoy seeing the old NYP, I went through it many times as a boy, the cost most likely would not be justified.
There are lots of pictures of Penn Station when it was in its prime and the video on the destruction of the Station, which included most of the interior of the Station, has been posted here on AU in the past.

I was one of those fortunate enough to have been inside the Station many times ( as well as GCT) back in the day, it is a disgrace what was allowed to happen, and if not for Jackie Kennedy Onasis and a determined crew of preservationists the same thing would have happened to Grand Central!
It would be possible, but think how much time it would take in research and the computer model creating. It would probably take a team of people at least a year to complete. Are you willing to pay for it?
From what I was just told, this would entail a lot of research, many, many hours from skilled people, and therefore a lot of money, and still the result may not be what people expect today.
It would be possible, but think how much time it would take in research and the computer model creating. It would probably take a team of people at least a year to complete. Are you willing to pay for it?
Assuming you could locate some blueprints and sufficient photographic evidence much of the final cost would likely be spent on researching and correcting the last few percent of inaccuracy and improving the precision. Building an approximate mock-up good enough for a basic visual representation shouldn't require anywhere near a years worth of work or a small fortune in fees. That being said, it might make sense to discuss such a project with relevant historical societies and architecture firms. Perhaps with enough motivating such a project could be accomplished at little or no direct expense as part of a pro bono publico goodwill project in the service of donations and support toward future restoration projects at other important sites.
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Though, a computer simulation would never be more than that, a simulation. Some computer geek's vision of what they wish NYP might have looked like.

Its too late for a true, actual, 3D walkthrough.
All the pictures that you could ever hope to see of the magnificent old structure are in museums, in online forums, in books and in a few old movie clips. I was there once as a little boy and remember it as a huge station with plenty of shops, an 8 story cathedral shaped glass roof ceiling over the waiting area, marble floors, Roman columns, brass framed doors, brass handrails and stairs to the platforms below that were open so that the trains could be seen. The destruction of Pennsylvania Station was one of the most infamous days in railroad history. You could never build something like that again. Todays structures pale by comparison.
Has the classic NYP been in a video game yet? Seems like that might be a way to go (hopefully).
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