Vehicle crashes at Rainbow Bridge at US/Canada border (11-22-23)

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Amtrak Rider
Staff member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 5, 2009
Orlando, FL
A vehicle crashed into the Rainbow Bridge and exploded
All four international bridges between the United States and Canada in Erie and Niagara counties were shut down to traffic in both directions. Long backups of tractor trailers could be seen on the I-190 near the Peace Bridge and Lewiston-Queenston bridge exits. The incident comes on the eve of Thanksgiving – one of the busiest travel days of the year in the U.S.Gov. Kathy Hochul said about a half hour later that she is traveling to Buffalo after being briefed on the incident.
This is not good. News sources here are reporting fatalities and hospitalizations. US authorities are looking at closing all border crossings until it is determined if this is an isolated incident. Already closed are eastern border crossings into New York State (I-81, etc.) in addition to those referenced in the link.
According a 3 PM update in the Washington Post, only 4 bridges in the Buffalo Niagara Falls area are closed, all other border crossings are still open. They were sourcing this from the New York State DOT. Obviously, things can change rapidly. Let's hope this was an isolated incident.
According a 3 PM update in the Washington Post, only 4 bridges in the Buffalo Niagara Falls area are closed, all other border crossings are still open. They were sourcing this from the New York State DOT. Obviously, things can change rapidly. Let's hope this was an isolated incident.
WKBW in Buffalo, NY reported Governor Hochul has ordered the closure of "all crossings into New York State". She is due on the scene shortly and expected to speak live. CP24 news in Toronto just confirmed the closure of additional crossings. The highway backups are enormous already and people are being advised to get hotels with no short resolution in-sight. So far 2 confirmed dead and others injured.
If the Whirlpool Bridge is closed to rail as well as road traffic, then the Maple Leaf would be affected. 63 shows on trackers as approaching Buffalo now; I guess we'll see what happens after Exchange St.
I heard a news report that Amtrak is not running between NY and Canada.
I heard a news report that Amtrak is not running between NY and Canada.
The southbound Adirondack had crossed into the US already before any stop was put in place. The Northbound just arrived in Plattsburgh. We'll see what happens to it next.

Likewise Maple Leaf southbound had already crossed into the US and is now past Utica. The northbound is just arriving at Niagara Falls NY.

I suspect both will be turned back at the border unless they figure out things enough to allow them through.
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The Northbound Maple Leaf has arrived at Niagara Falls NY and is terminated there, as seen on railrat.

The Adirondack is still heading towards Rouses Point as of 16:21.

CNN is reporting that Amtrak has temporarily suspended its Canada service.

Meanwhile the Adirondack has arrived at Rouses Point at 16:40, and is apparently holding there according to railrat.
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Apart from the Amtrak update, there is quite the divergence in the latest media reports so probably best to give this a rest until more concrete information is available.
Yeah. Now they are not even sure whether there was one or two people in the car. They do know who the car was registered to though.
And now Governor Hochul says that there is no indication that this is a terror attack.

Meanwhile the Adirondack has moved forward one mile from Rouses Point. Amtrak Status says that it departed at 4:40pm, so this move may be to the Canadian checkpoint and unless we hear otherwise it may be proceeding to Montreal. We will have to wait a while to know for sure.

It has been sitting at this point 34 miles South of St. Lambert since 16:53.
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Oddly the car involved was traveling from the US to Canada apparently!!
It turns out you were right, as were the reports of the vehicle heading into the US. Based on the consensus of reporting this morning, an American couple were on their way to a Kiss concert in Toronto in their Bentley. Upon learning of the concert's cancellation they used the "Return to the US" lane before reaching the Canadian checkpoint at the Rainbow Bridge and were sent for secondary inspection - logical under the circumstances. Between the first and second CBP locations the Bentley inexplicably accelerated to high speed and struck a wall, exploding on impact and unfortunately killing the two occupants and injuring a CBP officer. Of course the CBC is crowing this morning like they knew it all along and blaming US media for all the fuss:
However, the media here were actually far more caught up in the story, bringing in terrorism and law enforcement experts, than the local Buffalo stations who did raise the possibility while taking much more of a "wait and see" approach. Only the Rainbow Bridge remains closed this morning and life has returned to normal.
What did they do with Maple Leaf's passengers already enroute to Canada when the border reopened - hotel them, bus them, or throw them out onto the street ?
Unless someone who was present there reports on it, we probably won't know what happened. We can only track the trains in some detail remotely, not individual passengers. 😔
What did they do with Maple Leaf's passengers already enroute to Canada when the border reopened - hotel them, bus them, or throw them out onto the street ?
And of course that equipment becomes a VIA Rail train that serves passengers from Niagra Falls - Toronto who weren't even going to be involved with anything at the border. Did the equipment ever cross?