The verdict in the Zimmerman trial and Amtrak

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May 6, 2009
Will possibly angry reaction to the acquittal of George Zimmerman have any effect on the Auto-Train, whose southern terminus is Sanford, or any other Amtrak or other rail service in the area?
Although many people may be disappointed in the verdict, there have been no reactions in the Sanford/Orlando area that would affect Amtrak. There is no other rail service in the area.
I really don't see this verdict as being as incendiary as the media would have you think. A hispanic guy shot and killed a black guy that was whaling the stuffing out of him. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that Zimmerman was going to walk. The media will try to build this up while claiming to be impartial, in much the same way that the DoJ sent a team down to Sanford that was supposed to mediate, but ended up supporting the Martin side.

But I doubt it will have any effect on Amtrak.
I think the Media tried to make this another OJ Case so they could "Dine Out" on it! I would think that most people that ride the Auto-Train will get OFF, get in their Vehicle and continue on to better places in Florida! Those that are on the Silver trains will look out @ the Auto-=Train Station as they Roll Past heading for Orlando and Points South! Our Florida Expert, Penny, has spoken! Basically No effect on Amtrak is my opinion!

The next ":Trial of the Century" is sure to appear soon on a Network near you! :rolleyes:
Other than a general geographical nearness, I don't see any connection between the two, and I can't for the life of me see how Amtrak would be the object of anyone's anger... this case.

However, Rep. John Mica, who is also Florida based, does seem to have some anger management issues when it comes to Amtrak :wacko: , so watch out for him! :ph34r:

Other than a general geographical nearness, I don't see any connection between the two, and I can't for the life of me see how Amtrak would be the object of anyone's anger... this case.

However, Rep. John Mica, who is also Florida based, does seem to have some anger management issues when it comes to Amtrak :wacko: , so watch out for him! :ph34r:

Painfully true. So, maybe some time away from Congress would allow for him to seek help/treatment without undue competition for his time... hint hint. :)
Jim Hudson,

We're use to the media taking sides. What is ALARMING is the post by ZIV showing the Department of Justice taking sides.

This thread will be watched very carefully. As said, with the exception of the AT terminal being located in Sanford, this has nothing at all to do with Amtrak.

If this thread starts to go downhill, it may be locked. (This is a warning only, I hope it doesn't.) I hope (personally) is that this thread jut disappears on it's own.
This thread will be watched very carefully. As said, with the exception of the AT terminal being located in Sanford, this has nothing at all to do with Amtrak.

If this thread starts to go downhill, it may be locked. (This is a warning only, I hope it doesn't.) I hope (personally) is that this thread jut disappears on it's own.

I was about to just that, but will wait to see if Traveler's words have effect.
This topic should have been locked after the comment by Ziv. I am sure many people would take issue with his comments. I certainly do.

Having said that, this forum is no place for such a discussion. Enough people have already made the necessary point that the trial and Amtrak have nothing to do with each other other than a geographic happenstance. Given the vast number of locations where Amtrak runs, you could come up with these coincidental anecdotes nationwide.

Lock this up. It has no business on this site.
I thought I remembered, when the prosecutor or local police originally declined to act in the case that there was something that happened near or at the Deland station. That may be the reason for the issue to come up.
I think that the central Amtrak question has been asked and answered. No further discussion is needed at this point.
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