TE#421/#422 Sleepers

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
IIRC Jay Hadley posted awhile back about the Sleeping Cars on #421/#422 being moved to the rear of the Train due to switching changes in SAS and CHI! Today I rode #422 AUS-TPL and #421 TPL-AUS (in Coach) and the revenue Sleepers and the cut out #422/#421 Coaches were on the end of the Train, the trans Dorm was where it always is next to the Engine! (No Baggage car on the Eagles!)OBS told me that it was True about the Changes in Switching inthe SAS and CHI yards, and its done quicker than it used to be!(No jockeying around back and forth,bumping, HEP on/off etc. Just a quick movement and hook it up and its done!

Makes for a Loooong walk to the Diner, er CCC!!! :rolleyes:
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IIRC Jay Hadley posted awhile back about the Sleeping Cars on #421/#422 being moved to the rear of the Train due to switching changes in SAS and CHI! Today I rode #422 AUS-TPL and #421 TPL-AUS (in Coach) and the revenue Sleepers and the cut out #422/#421 Coaches were on the end of the Train, the trans Dorm was where it always is next to the Engine! (No Baggage car on the eagles!)OBS told me that it was True about the Changes in Switching inthe SAS and CHI yards, and its done quicker than it used to be!(No jockeying around back and forth,bumping, HEP on/off etc. Just a quick movement and hook it up and its done!
Man, I sure will miss the sound of that horn blowing, may not be able to sleep without it. fact. but if it helps OTP and eases some of the switching maneuvers, the Eagles can use that.
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I'm looking forward to the "railfan window" this fall. Another advantage may be that with all passenger cars on the rear some of the short platform 'double stops' may be eliminated.
I'm looking forward to the "railfan window" this fall. Another advantage may be that with all passenger cars on the rear some of the short platform 'double stops' may be eliminated.
Agrred; some but with the safety culture Amtrak is trying to instill on employees you'll probably still see double stops at crew change points where the platform is not long enough for the engine crew to swap out without having to roll down an embankment or "walk the rocks."
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