Service Canceled..What Happens Next??

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Train Attendant
Jan 23, 2010
Long Island, NY
I'm an Amtrak Newbie, and have yet to take my 1st trip. With winter travel, I'm worried that my trip on the Silver Meteor NYP-ORL could become cancelled. What happens next? Do I become a stranded passenger similar to those at the airports? Does Amtrak honor my tickets for the next day? Or do I have to do the whole refund and purchase process? What would you guys do? Tell me your story...I'm eager to learn!!

Happy Travels!!
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Amtrak will absolutely honor your tickets for the next day that a train is running and has space available. The biggest likelihood of a problem there is if you're traveling in a sleeper, since the next train would be very unlikely to have enough unsold sleeper space to accommodate everyone from the cancelled train. In that case, you'd either need to wait, or travel coach and have the sleeper charge refunded.

But I wouldn't worry about it too much ... in the bigger scheme of things, the odds of that happening are pretty slim.
Thanks for answering my questions...I've always been a "PLAN B" kinda person and your answers put my worries to rest.
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