Seattle Light Rail to rename University Street Station

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Jan 10, 2018

No naming rights this time, unfortunately. And, for those who can't get behind the paywall, the executive summary is that the old name was confusing to light rail users, especially since the light rail does go to the University of Washington, but it's nowhere near the University Street Station. Apparently the UW was once, many decades ago, located downtown at University Street, but it's been up by the Montlake Cut for many years now.

Cost of the change? A cool million dollars...
I would’ve picked “Seneca Street Station” or “Symphony Station” from an end-user perspective. Now instead of going to University Station thinking it’s near UW, travelers may go to Union Street/Symphony thinking it’s at Union Street. Though Sound Transit’s reason behind choosing the name makes for a great transit trivia question!
Sounds like Sound Transit is merely trading confused passengers getting off a train too early for confused would-be passengers who can't find their station on Union St. o_O
Also, I'm sure there's people going downtown to an address on University Street who would find naming the station for the street it's actually on to be useful rather than confusing.

Do people take the CTA Red Line to Berwyn station thinking they're getting off in Berwyn the suburb? :rolleyes: Or the various California stations? :p