RPA Discount issues, number too short?

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OBS Chief
Apr 16, 2014
North Sacramento, California
I just reserved a coach ticket with a value fare, and as usual, I provide my RPA number. Frank-ly speaking, the discount code does not read good to the agent, although I give them the correct number. Can anyone offer any tips, as the agent is keep insisting that the membership number is too short? (I don't mind paying the undiscounted fare, but why not shave off a few bucks off the price of my ticket whenever I can). Any way that Customer Relations/someone more experienced could be reached to sort out the mess. Happened twice already, but don't know as to why some agents keep insisting that my RPA number is more than 6 digits. Could they possibly confused it with another discount? Or with the AGR numbers? (I traveled last month without any issues with the discount codes)
Did you try doing a fake reservation online to see if it works. Maybe add a 0 or two in front of number?
No, but on the membership card, there are two letters, 'AR', in addition to the 6 digit number. I'm traveling in a week. Should I just forgo the discount? The difference is only 10 bucks (an hour's wage in my neighborhood). I used to have no issues booking with a discount, maybe this time the agent was a relatively new hire.
Just as a thought, are you calling it RPA? It’s possible the agents don’t know what that is and are thinking it’s something else. Try asking for the NARP discount (Amtrak’s website still calls it that).

For that matter, is there a specific reason you’re doing this over the phone and not online?
Just as a thought, are you calling it RPA? It’s possible the agents don’t know what that is and are thinking it’s something else. Try asking for the NARP discount (Amtrak’s website still calls it that).

For that matter, is there a specific reason you’re doing this over the phone and not online?
My bad, I meant to say NARP discount. Easy to mix up the two names. I mentioned as NARP discount.