Personal Prayer Request

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Honored Member
Feb 1, 2004
Las Vegas, NV

This is a repeat of a post I made on Facebook.

Aloha to all my friends and acquaintances.

On Wednesday morning, June 19, in Hawaii, I will be represented by Charles Lotsoft at the Hawaii Supreme Court, regarding City actions blacklisting Rick and myself at City venues. I have full faith in Charlie, but am sure he can use all the help you can give him with your prayers, so that his success can end the hell Rick and I are forced to endure by vindictive illegal acts of Honolulu City Officials

This is a repeat of a post I made on Facebook.

Aloha to all my friends and acquaintances.

On Wednesday morning, June 19, in Hawaii, I will be represented by Charles Lotsoft at the Hawaii Supreme Court, regarding City actions blacklisting Rick and myself at City venues. I have full faith in Charlie, but am sure he can use all the help you can give him with your prayers, so that his success can end the hell Rick and I are forced to endure by vindictive illegal acts of Honolulu City Officials


Eric, I will be praying for you for Justice and Relief. Please keep us updated.
My positive thoughts are with you and your "team."
Just a Few minutes ago.

Here is my attorney's quote:

The hearing went magnificently, with three of the five judges enthusiastically on our side. Two of the judges were outspoken in disagreeing with the City lawyer, and other two seemed on our side too.

Mahalo to all of you for your concern and Prayers

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What happened? Is there a thread on this somewhere?
The short version is that the brother or brother-in-law of Honolulu's mayor, a political appointee as the parks & rec director, was told by Eric that something he personally had chosen for a city event would not work. Nonetheless he went ahead with using that microphone and sure enough it failed. So he chose to blame Eric for the failure. He then proceeded to ban Eric from all city owned venues. Eric has worked in the entertainment/movie industry for many years as a light & sound man.

Since the city owns most of the venues in the city, this basically left Eric with no work for over 2 years. :eek: The problem with this guy's decision is that he doesn't have the power to tell someone renting the city's arena who they can hire. In other words, he could only legally ban Eric from city sponsored events. But a music star coming to do a concert should have been able to hire Eric, only this guy wouldn't allow it by simply telling Eric he'd have him arrested if he saw him in a city owned venue.

With basically no work for that period of time, as one can imagine, it caused Eric considerable financial stress. When this first went to court, the judge sided with Eric and told the city essentially the same thing I said, that they could only ban him from working city run events; but not from the venues in general. This allowed Eric to get more work in his final year or two before retiring, but the damage was done. That judge then, possibly fearing that the mayor was about to become Governor, found some obscure ruling that he claimed meant that Eric should be awarded nothing for the damage done to him.

Which brings us to the appeal. Eric's not looking to become the next Bill Gates, but lost wages would certainly make his retirement a bit easier.

An Update:

The Hawaii Supreme Court Found in our favor with a 70 page decision unanimously supporting what we did. and Blasting the City actions and the lower court. Even went so far as saying the then Mayor suborned perjury. The HSC has ordered the case back to the lower court to calculate damages, so soon I should finally catch up, and then some I hope.

Mahalo for everything!

I'm pleased to hear things are looking up. I'm hoping and praying this will turn out good for you in all ways.
Praying they make a fair & quick decision & the check is in the mail soon (or can you set up direct deposit ;) ).

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