Online Schedules

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May 1, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pa.
First Amtrak dropped printed schedules and now you can't even get online .pdf schedules for many routes. That's asinine. I don't know if it's just temporary as a result of the pared down schedules or what. I contacted customer support and the response was:

"While Amtrak continues to operate, we have temporarily suspended some services due to reduced demand. For this reason, our online Schedules and Timetables are not available at this time. we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The most current information may be obtained under the ‘Book Tickets’ tool on or by calling an Amtrak agent. "

I may be old fashioned, but I find it useful and convenient to have a schedule to reference, whether on my phone, computer or in hand. Arlines don't need them since their service is strictly point to point but serving many intermediate stops makes schedules essential. It can't be that difficult to update when necessary and re-post.
I'm quite young, but I agree! Not being able to get a hard copy schedule for many routes is annoying. Of course, most of them I'm looking at for reasons not involving trip planning, but it is annoying.
In 2019 (IIRC), I met a conductor on one of the western LD trains who said he always brought along one of the old paper system timetables. Amtrak stopped printing them in 2016--at which point he picked up 10 of them so he'd have a supply on hand.

I still use my own increasingly tattered copy. Although very little has changed, it's prudent to check what's on paper with what's in the online booking system--especially in these days of temporary 3-a-week trains.
I have the following links to both the daily (pre-Covid) and Covid timetables as tabs on my browser (Google Chrome). When I click on them, what appears to be the Amtrak homepage opens up but clicking the Back arrows brings up listings of the various timetables. Then, sometimes, the listings will appear without the homepage. I'm not smart enough to figure that out. Maybe they will work one way or the other for you.

• Daily Pre-Covid (7X): Train Schedules & Timetables | Amtrak
• Covid (3X): Train Schedules & Timetables | Amtrak

This might be the fourth time I've posted these links and methinks it's time to promote them to stickydom - provided they work of course. [hint - hint]

Q: Those links work for anybody else?
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I have the following links to both the daily (pre-Covid) and Covid timetables as tabs on my browser (Google Chrome). When I click on them, what appears to be the Amtrak homepage opens up but clicking the Back arrows brings up listings of the various timetables. Then, sometimes, the listings will appear without the homepage. I'm not smart enough to figure that out. Maybe they will work one way or the other for you.

• Daily Pre-Covid (7X): Train Schedules & Timetables | Amtrak
• Covid (3X): Train Schedules & Timetables | Amtrak

This might be the fourth time I've posted these links and methinks it's time to promote them to stickydom - provided they work of course. [hint - hint]

Q: Those links work for anybody else?
That is so helpful! Thank you!!

I used to have a bunch of paper timetables, but I threw them out. I didn't know they stopped printing them
On one level I am not terribly bothered by the loss of printed schedules. But it is aggravating that they are not available to download. There can't be much expense involved in updating .pdf documents and posting them to the website.
I agree that it would be nice to have up to date PDF schedules. Even better to have printed schedules. It’s easy for us to plan a trip because we’ve learned the schedules of all of the trains. If not the exact tomes, close enough to plan.

However many people are not tech savvy enough or interested enough to download PDF schedules. I have an old PDF National time table that works most of the time. But some train times have changed. For example for some reason the silver meteor is running 30 minutes later to Miami on the day I travel. Is this a temporary change, or permanent. There’s nothing current that I can cross reference with.
A fair number of the schedules on the official Amtrak timetable link are current, so I don't know why they told you they weren't available.
When clicking Schedules and then Get Downloadable Schedules For All Routes> on the Amtrak homepage, only 14 timetables are displayed for the 36 trains/train groups listed. Of the remaining 22, 3 show nothing and 19 display the Service Adjustments Due To Coronavirus page.

I can understand why Amtrak might want to avoid confusion by having only the current timetables available to the general public but for planning travel as far out as 11 months, making it hard to find the daily pre-Covid timetables (or in a lot of cases, any timetables at all) seems a bit paranoid to me.

Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, in 2½ months we'll be back to normal - whatever that was!

[edit] For future reference, the links to those two sets of timetables that are in Post #4 have been added to the this sticky with the fare bucket charts: Long Distance Train Coach & Sleeper Fares (Buckets)
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I keep a running archive of the PDF schedules Amtrak posts to their website:

Archived Amtrak Timetables (ASMAD)

As far as I know my list has the last-known updated PDFs, including current tri-weekly and the daily versions before COVID.
Oh, so you're ASMAD! Thank you very much for all you do. :):thanks:
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I keep a running archive of the PDF schedules Amtrak posts to their website:

Archived Amtrak Timetables (ASMAD)

As far as I know my list has the last-known updated PDFs, including current tri-weekly and the daily versions before COVID.

Huge thanks for this, having used the downloaded PDFs so so so much in the past... I was looking for new schedules. I find it bizarre that even now the CA Zephyr is back to a daily service, still no PDF timetable? I will obvs use these for reference, since I am hoping a friend will meet me on my journey, it's nice to have the times to hand. Thanks @acelafan :)
Consolidated list of timetable sites now posted in the following sticky thread:
Very handy!

I know it's the wrong mode, but there has been an improvement in the intercity bus timetable site with the inclusion of numerous independent bus companies. For example, Walla Walla (WWA) has Amtrak Thruway service from Train 27 and to Train 28 at Pasco, but there are also two more bus trips each way, useful to know about if connections are missed.
It's clunky, but better than Amtrak currently. I print out the relevant pages when traveling.