New Dining car menu on Silver Service

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Dental Wiz

Train Attendant
Nov 15, 2004
Well, I'm here in sunny Florida escaping the cold and snow of Connecticut. We arrived yesterday after a delightful trip on 91. The new dining car menu was excellent. The chef used his grill liberally. He even grilled the morning biscuits! The new steak option is very generous, tasty and tender. The chefs specials were excellent. For example, for dinner I had Mahi Mahi combined with rice, blackbeans in a spicy creole sauce. This was definitely the result of some creativity by our chef. He took what was available and made some very interesting dishes. If the china was real, man it would have been perfect. Service throughout the train was excellent. The diner was exceptional. To make a great trip perfect, we arrived on time. Thank you Amtrak.

Well, I'm here in sunny Florida escaping the cold and snow of Connecticut. We arrived yesterday after a delightful trip on 91. The new dining car menu was excellent. The chef used his grill liberally. He even grilled the morning biscuits! The new steak option is very generous, tasty and tender. The chefs specials were excellent. For example, for dinner I had Mahi Mahi combined with rice, blackbeans in a spicy creole sauce. This was definitely the result of some creativity by our chef. He took what was available and made some very interesting dishes. If the china was real, man it would have been perfect. Service throughout the train was excellent. The diner was exceptional. To make a great trip perfect, we arrived on time. Thank you Amtrak.Steve
I am traveling the 97/98 next week. Menu details?
Just try getting that on an airliner, even in First. And it sounds like from some recent health studies, the airport vendors are doing their best to get your stomach roaring in knots even before you step on the plane. Give me Gold Coast Dogs in Chicago Union any day over a $5 basic airport Wiennie!
SDS looks like it is slowly ending! Just remember that bordelaise might return in June (again easier for summer crowds).
SDS is really all but in the past I think. We have real wine glasses, linen napkins. The menu is pretty much on par with what I remember shortly before SDS. The main thing lacking in my book is real coffee cups. The china and the tablecloths really don't bother me at all, but those weird plastic coffee/tea cups are creepy if you ask me, and should not be trusted.

Of course I realize that the loss of staff members results in slower times and yes in some cases less people fed per day. However I think that Amtrak has adjusted pretty well to this adding staff members where it makes sense. For the most part Dining cars seem to be handling the crowds as well as in the past on the East Coast. (I haven't ridden a West Coast LD in several years so I have no idea what its like there).
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