National Train Day 2010

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Unfortunitly, I won't be able to attend NTD this year (I'll be in Memphis at a cousins wedding), but I will be riding trains to get there (NYP-NOL-MEM with my brother and father, then possibley MEM-CHI-NYP with my mom or dad, with my mom flying there and two flying home. Jeese that was complicated to write :lol: ).
if you're in the kansas city area, please call/facebook/email union station and tell them to get on the ball this year! do something, do anything!
I'm hoping to go to Chicago for train day this year. GML and Amtrakwolverine are hoping to go as well. Anyone else?
Perhaps myself... I have the choice of a short-turn on the CL in WAS and CHI... not quite sure whether more time in CHI is justified yet.
I will be going to Chicago on the Wolverine that morning and continuing on the EB. Hoping for a little time in the station!
I think it'd be great if they had Train Day activities in lesser served markets as well. Chicago, D.C. Philadelphia and L.A. all already are huge train markets. It still amazes me the number of people in this country who don't even know we have a passenger rails system in the U.S.A. and Amtrak needs to get the word out!
It was NTD in 2008 that got me started on many trips, all to Chicago. Not to mention friends and family! Had never even realized that Amtrak runs through Northern Ohio before the (probably because most people are sleeping soundly when the trains pass either way...) :)
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