James Simpson ex-NJDOT and FTA for SecDOT

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Permanent Way Inspector
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Aug 24, 2003
Space Coast, Florida, Area code 3-2-1
Looks like James Simpson who was NJ Transport Commissioner for many years under Christie and before that at FTA, is in the running for Secretary of Transportation. Actually his creds are stronger than Mica's


Certainly better than Mica as far as Amtrak goes and probably one of the better choices from among all the choices for various Secretaries that has been talked about. At least we in the passenger rail advocacy community know him well and he is not a disaster.

No draining the swamp there though :)
It seems he got mixed reviews after he left his NJDOT position: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2014/05/dots_outgoing_commissioner_gets_mixed_reviews.htmlmostly for nixing the ARC tunnel. So, it would be interesting to see how he and Wick Moorman would cooperate on Amtrak. If, based on his experience, he would try to privatize it, then it will be a long four years.
Well, actually most of the passenger rail advocates in the area and even Amtrak were happy to see the ARC tunnel in its final form which did not connect it to the existing Penn Station at all, get canceled. So that mixed review should not be a reason to worry Amtrak. The ARC tunnel was an exercise at shutting Amtrak out of the new tunnels crafted by Warrington and company to expand their fiefdom in the name of progress, and at least I still feel that though it was canceled for the wrong reason and the money inappropriately diverted to Christie's favorite road projects,, the outcome in the long run was better overall for the sake of an integrated resilient transport system for the region, and good for Amtrak at the end of the day.

Whether privatization becomes an issue or not is not the SecDoT's call. The impetus will have to come from Congress, and it is to be expected that a SecDoT who works for the President will likely in general do what the President and the Congress instruct him to do.
The ARC cancellation has appeared to be a much better result. The misappropriation of funds non withstanding.

Any time transportation nodes ( stations ) are built they need to have immediate connections to others. we can note that in both Paris and London there are efforts to join various rail stations. Those efforts will take decades. With that in mind not connecting ARC with the current NYP station was just plain shortsighted. We can also note that the long range plans call for connecting NYP with Grand Central Station. The ARC station would not have been able to join that connection. That connection will take a longer time that this poster will live
As one of the advocates like Jishnu, during the arc fight, i concur. Killing ARC is proof that Chris Christie can make the right decision, if he exhausts all other possible options.

Seriously, though, the ARC projects death was a good thing. Actually, it was a thank god thing in light of the subsequent Hurricane Sandy damage, which probably would have necessitated at least a fifth tube, not to mention another tunnel box.
Today's rumor in Politico is that Democrat Harold Ford is up for Transportation Secretary or some other Cabinet post. For what it is worth.
Today's rumor in Politico is that Democrat Harold Ford is up for Transportation Secretary or some other Cabinet post. For what it is worth.
Interesting since Amtrak barely touches Tennessee passing through Memphis. The State government is not interested in providing State subsidies and since CSX dominates most of the freight rail tracks, there is little if any hope for additional service benefiting Nashville, the State Capital and growing to become in the 21st century Tennessee largest city while Memphis slowly stagnates.
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Bluntly, Trump is extremely good at floating a lot of names before picking someone *totally different*. Frankly I don't think it's worth following the speculation until he makes a public announcement, at least.
Bluntly, Trump is extremely good at floating a lot of names before picking someone *totally different*. Frankly I don't think it's worth following the speculation until he makes a public announcement, at least.
And not even then. Nobody knows nothing until the confirmation hearings begin, and end. Speculation will abound, Use the time how you like for advocating and speculating.
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