Houstonia Magazine - "They Say Life’s a Journey, Not a Destination

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Sounds like he's already turned in to that couple he sat with in the Diner!

I've ridden this route multiple times since the SP Streamliner days,( it was my first LD,Train)and never once felt like this guy during or after a trip.

He should have saved his criticism for Houston, a huge, sprawling pit of a City that really has no reason to be such a huge City!
After reading the article, I have the distinct feeling that he planned all along to write a scathing and abusive article on Amtrak. It is the LA Times he writes for, not the most public-transit-friendly paper out there (much like the Sacramento and Fresno Bee papers.) The article may even have been written in rough draft even before booking the trip, and his travel on Amtrak was simply a means to make the article relevant. As in "See, I rode it and hated it, so therefore my feelings beforehand were justified and now I'm an expert."

I somehow seriously doubt the accusation of sexual activities in the Sleeper restroom. Sounds too sensational to be true, not to mention if he was aware of it standing outside, OBS likely would have also become aware. Call me very skeptical.
After reading the article, I have the distinct feeling that he planned all along to write a scathing and abusive article on Amtrak. It is the LA Times he writes for, not the most public-transit-friendly paper out there (much like the Sacramento and Fresno Bee papers.) The article may even have been written in rough draft even before booking the trip, and his travel on Amtrak was simply a means to make the article relevant. As in "See, I rode it and hated it, so therefore my feelings beforehand were justified and now I'm an expert."

I somehow seriously doubt the accusation of sexual activities in the Sleeper restroom. Sounds too sensational to be true, not to mention if he was aware of it standing outside, OBS likely would have also become aware. Call me very skeptical.

Not sure where you got the L.A. Times from -- this article was for a Houston-based magazine called Houstonia.

(I would also say that the L.A. Times is fairly pro-public-transit. For example, they endorsed Measure M last fall.)
I agree that it sounds like he had decided the jist of the article before he boarded the train.
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It is the LA Times he writes for, not the most public-transit-friendly paper out there (much like the Sacramento and Fresno Bee papers.)
Not sure where you got the L.A. Times from -- this article was for a Houston-based magazine called Houstonia.

(I would also say that the L.A. Times is fairly pro-public-transit. For example, they endorsed Measure M last fall.)
Yup, screwed that up. I had an LA Times article up in another window while reading the Hustonia piece and crossed my wires. Proves I'm not a robot! :giggle:
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