Fiscal Year Performance

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Jul 29, 2019
Greensboro, NC
I took the September Performance Report (which should be YTD and therefore be FY 2023 and converted to a spreadsheet. I used LibreOffice Calc for this as it was the only spreadsheet that could cut and paste with a bit of ease the table on Route Level Performance. So I have two links, a LibreOffice format and one for MS Excel. They are the same file but for those that are not into open source software I will provide the Excel version.

The columns in Lime Color are my own calculations. I was curious the subsidy or amount made per passenger per mile for NC and how that compared to other state supported routes. Then I calculated a few other columns that can be found elsewhere but I was curious about. I am willing to add other columns if you want to look at other calculations.
Excel version
LibreOffice version

I used this report and in particular page 7.