Empire Builder - any tips or info to share?

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OBS Chief
Jun 13, 2011
I'm so excited! Next week, I'll be going on my biggest Amtrak adventure so far.
I'm heading westbound CHI-PDX on 27, taking 516 to SEA, overnight, then 8 SEA-CHI

I'm aware that the OTP has been bad lately and I'll likely miss my Michigan connection when I come home.

Also, landslides and the possibility of a bustitution :(

Meh, who cares! I'll be on the EB!

I'll be in a roomette, know where it is, and understand basic sleeping car protocol, so what I'm interested in is...

  • Please tell me about your experience with special sleeping car amenities on the EB - tastings, etc.
  • Any must see sights that I should be on the lookout for?
  • I've heard some raves about some of the SCAs - who are your favorites?
  • How does breakfast work for the westbound PDX section? If I don't get any, that's fine, more concerned about it if we're running late. If we're close to being on schedule, I hope to hit some food trucks in PDX before catching 516. Looks like there are a lot of choices within a 10 - 15 min. walk from the station. Map of Portland Food Trucks
  • Since we won't have a lounge eastbound on the SEA section until we meet 28, should I bring my own sodas and snacks?
  • Is there anything I need to know about either station at PDX or SEA? Lounges, etc?
  • Anything you really like/love about the EB that you want to share?
CHamilton - if you have anything I NEED to see during my short stay in SEA, please tell me (I'll be staying in the area of Queen Anne & Mercer) - thanks!

TIA everyone, without the wealth of information from all of you on AU, I would never have known that I could have so much fun!

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I too have an Empire Builder question, and am a railroad novice. Can someone tell me why the trip from Seattle to Whitefish Montana take 13 hours for the 300 plus miles? This seems incredibly long for such a short distance. Are the tracks dangerous and curvey requiring a slow speed? Are there tunnels and bridges that make the travel slow? do freight trains with priority require the Empire to wait extra time? Please help.
Hey JoanieB...a couple of things come to mind. I remember a SCA named Stephanie on the PDX section last trip. Really a sweetheart and fun. Tell her Eric, the guy who helped unload the passerger luggage in PDX says hello (if she happens to be on your train). Also, I remember a guy named Stan from SEA to CBS who was also fantastic.

You get a cold breakfast after the train breaks and you go into PDX. The lounge car will be open IIRC. They have the wine/cheese tastings somewhere in central Montana east and west. Last trip I won a triva contest and got a free bottle of wine. Bone up on your EB trivia and geography. Also, those Rails/Trails volunteers might be on in the observation car. They are interesting.

The PDX food carts at the Alder location are fantastic. That might be quite a hike from AMTRAK, not sure. They were near my hotel. Hey, you will get to see the station in my avatar! I'm not telling you which one. Anyway, have a great trip. I'm excited for you.
I too have an Empire Builder question, and am a railroad novice. Can someone tell me why the trip from Seattle to Whitefish Montana take 13 hours for the 300 plus miles? This seems incredibly long for such a short distance. Are the tracks dangerous and curvey requiring a slow speed? Are there tunnels and bridges that make the travel slow? do freight trains with priority require the Empire to wait extra time? Please help.
First of all, it's almost 600 miles from Seattle to Whitefish. You also lose close to an hour for the Spokane service stop, lose an hour with the MT change and you hit a few hills leaving Seattle and as you get into Montana.
Thanks, Eric!

I'll put those names in my notes and I'll brush up on the route guide - I like prizes.

I'll be on the lookout for 'your' station too. :)
Thanks, Eric!I'll put those names in my notes and I'll brush up on the route guide - I like prizes.

I'll be on the lookout for 'your' station too. :)
Great! BTW, I've done that exact route several times. Good choice breaking it up with the Cascades...I almost think that heading east out of Seattle and across the Cascades is more beautiful than the Columbia Gorge...you get both. Also, I think they have some pretty good clam chowder in the cafe car on the Cascades. Are you opting for business class? Couple of bucks more, but much nicer seats. No biggie, though. The lounge in PDX is nice and they will take you right to the train from there.
Hi Joanie,

I believe Stephanie is now on the California Zephyr. I never had her as an SA, but she is almost legendary for being among the bestl

When the EB goes past the Isaac Walton Lodge in Essex, look over at the front porch of the lodge. All of the employees get notified when the train is approaching and they all come out to the porch to waive at the passengers.

I was in SEA a couple of weeks ago and it was a bit chaotic with the construction. PDX is a great station and there is a little store there for souvineers and snacks.

I also won a bottle of wine during the wine tasting trivia on the EB. I gave it to Diesteldorf and haven't heard from him since then :eek:

Must see on the EB? The mountain scenery is beautiful. Keep looking out the window.

(Edit: Windows 8 kicked me off before I finished this)
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Joanie, when I traveled on the EB from Chicago to Portland as part of a now-closed AGR loophole trip, I had Daniel Foley as a SCA. I would put him near or at the top as far as the SCAs I've had. And, last year, at the end of another AGR trip from Ft. Lauderdale to Spokane, I and my uncle had a sleeper from Portland to Spokane and our SCA was Nancy. She was new at these job but she was very good as well.

Ditto on keeping your eyes open for mountain scenery on your eastbound journey. This time of year part of the trip through the Cascades will be dark but it will be light out by the time you reach the Glacier Park area. Leaving Seattle, if your roomette is on the left hand side of the train you will get good views of Puget Sound. If not, hope the roomette across the aisle from is unoccupied. :) And on your westbound journey from Spokane to Portland, same thing goes. The Columbia Gorge will be on your left.

I know westbound from Spokane to Seattle, a table or two in the dining car also serves as the lounge, or at least it has the times I've ridden it. Eastbound, however, I don't think this is the case. So you would, if you want, need to bring your own snacks and drinks.

And I agree that your idea of taking the Spokane-Portland leg of the EB one direction, then taking the Cascades to Seattle, and taking the Seattle-Spokane leg on your trip back home is an excellent one! Spokane is the nearest station to where I live, some 60 miles away, and I have taken several trips from Spokane to Seattle. I always go one direction one way and the other back. In June I am heading to Seattle again and will first go to Portland and then go up on the Cascades to Seattle. I will then return to Spokane from Seattle, thus getting both the Cascade Mountains and the Columbia Gorge in the same trip. It's great to know great minds think alike!!! :lol:

The lounge in Portland is small but nice. I have had the great fortune of having Frank as the lounge attendant a few times before and he is great!!! The attendants at the Metro lounge in Chicago could take lessons from him!!

Have a great trip!!!
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If you have the time in Seattle, try to get to the Space Needle.

In Portland you should hike south to Voodoo Donuts. http://voodoodoughnut.com/voodoo_doughnut_one.html

Their most famous creation is Maple Bacon.

You will get a better look at the Rockies on the eastbound trip from Whitefish.

On the westbound the sun will be down before you get to Essex on the south side of Glacier NP.

On the next trip, try the CZ to Sacramento. In Sacramento see the California Railroad Museum and then catch the CS northbound at midnight. On the CZ route you get great scenery in Glenwood Canyon east of Glenwood Springs.
Wow, thanks Betty, JayPea, & Tom!

That's a lot of great info, I'm taking notes so I don't miss anything.

Eric, I did upgrade to BC on the Cascades, I'm excited to ride a Talgos train and the cafe menu and clam chowder do look good.

I also posted in the 'Seattle Chef' thread that 2 of the chef inspired entrees are going to be (hopefully) available on the eastbound EB so I'm excited to try something new for dinner - YUM!

Chef’s Evening Marketplace Special ................. $19.75
Red chile braised beef short-rib inspired by Amtrak
Culinary Advisory Team Chef and restaurateur
Roberto Santibanez.
The short-rib is slow cooked
in pasilla-chipotle sauce with lime marinated onions,
served with garlic mashed potatoes and vegetable medley.
(Enjoy this dish with one of our fine vineyard selections.)

Spice-Rubbed Atlantic Salmon Fillet................. $23.25
Grilled to order salmon fillet seasoned with Chef Tom
Douglas’ rub-with-love spice blend.
Garnished with lemon
wedge and parsley, served with four grain rice pilaf and
vegetable medley. (This main course will harmonize admirably
with our food-friendly, chilled Pinot Grigio.)
:hi: Nice trip Joanie! Most of your questions have been answered (good folks on AU! ;) )so I'll just mention a couple of things:

On #27 from CHI-PDX you will be on the End of the train and have the Opportunity to Exercise by walking through several Coaches and the Sightseer Lounge to and from the Diner! I dont think that they are Running the Chicago to Twin Cities Coach on the Back of the Train yet so the Rail Fan Window will be all yours!! :) The Box Breakfast from SPK-PDX isnt much to write home about! (However the DInner Box on #28 is actually Delicious!)PDX and SEA both has wonderful food, Google and AU iare your friends here!

The EB has "Enhanced" Diner and Coach Service and, as you probably know, the Meals in the Diner are prepared"to order" and Real China, Glassware and Silverware is used!(Those Two Menu items you Posted sound Fantastic! :wub: ) The Wine and Cheese Tasting in the afternoon is fun and you will receive a Bottle of Sparkling Wine or Juice from your SCA as well as an Amenity Bag with Shampoo etc. in your Room.upon Departure from CHI and SEA.

On #8 out of SEA you will have Dinner in the Diner and it will grow Dark as you climb up through the Cascades heading for SPK where the Two Sections are hooked together @ O-Dark-Thirty! I wouldn't think you will need many Snacks or Drinks (unless you want some "Private Stock" ^_^ )since when you awake in the Morning you will be in Beautiful Montana and the Diner and the Cafe will both be Open!

Hopefully you will get one of the Crack OBS Crews that the EB is famous for, (I've only had one "Bad" SCA on the EB#27/#28, a Guy named Courtney, CHI Based)). We're envious and look forward to your Trip Report! Have a Ball! :) :) :)
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As usual, Jim, your post is full of great information - thanks!

I have a feeling they'll have to roll me off of the train in CHI after all of the food I'm going to snarf. :p

I'm excited about this trip too.

We'll see how well I fare being on the train 2 nights - I'm thinking just fine because....

I plan on doing 2 back to back - 2 zone AGR roomette rewards in September! Woo Hoo!






Thanks again y'all :)
Not much to add to the above comments -- except do be sure and get up as soon as you see any light on the eastbound train through Glacier park, and try to get to a left-side window, go to the lounge car if necessary. Oh, and last November, my SCA on the #28 was "Never-a-Dull-Moment-Charles" (that's what the redcap called him, with enthusiasm). Absolutely amazing the way he took care of his passengers: an electric teakettle in roomette #1 for us tea-drinkers! Toys and stickers for the kids! Wow! His personality could be overwhelming to some folks, but his enthusiasm for the job, good cheer and caring are genuine. Made my mood lift every time I heard him singing as he worked!

Last time I was in PDX, it was winter, and the food carts were sparse. I walked around the Post Office on the west side of the station to the Ecotrust Building. Choice of Hot Lips Pizza or Laughing Planet Cafe. A wonderful change from train food (much as I usually like it, it might be nice to have something different after three days).

Enjoy your trip, and let us know how it turns out.
Oregon Pioneer - thanks! :)

I'd love to have someone like Charles on my train.

He almost sound like the awesome server (what are they called? SAs?) I had last year in the diner on the westbound SWC.

The LSA was Moses and Charles worked with him.

Their attitudes and the ambiance they created put everyone around me in a great mood and we were all gabbing with each other from table to table.

Felt more like a club on the train than the usual old diner.

They had some jazz playing, Charles was wonderful and sweet, Moses was just as nice - even got a hug when I said 'bye, see you at breakfast'. :wub:

Could it be the same Charles?

I know it's not the nasty, no eye contact, gruff Charles that ran the cafe on my first TE DAL-CHI trip. :angry:
:hi: Nice trip Joanie! Most of your questions have been answered (good folks on AU! ;) )so I'll just mention a couple of things:

Hopefully you will get one of the Crack OBS Crews that the EB is famous for, (I've only had one "Bad" SCA on the EB#27/#28, a Guy named Courtney, CHI Based)). We're envious and look forward to your Trip Report! Have a Ball! :) :) :)
Jim, I had Courtney last month on the TE. We rarely saw him. Yes, "bad" is a good description.

About being on the left side of the train leaving Seattle, yes, if you have never taken this train before it is nice seeing Puget Sound. Also try to sneak a peak out of a window on the right side to look at the gorgeous homes! My first couple of trips on the EB I saw the sound, the last trip I was on the right and loved seeing these houses.
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I've had Bonnie and Chris as SCAs on the Empire Builder and both were superb. Alexis was in charge of the Sightseer Lounge cafe and was super, as well.

Do make sure to sign up for the wine tasting. It's a fun event and the SCAs seem to enjoy putting on the trivia contest. By the way, we had several folks on one trip who didn't drink, but still enjoyed the cheese. One of the SCAs -- I forget who -- had white and dark grape juice for them.
Since you will be next to the Seattle Center, if a nice day (or even if not!), an elevator ride to the top of the Space Needle is almost obligatory. If you have the least interest in glass, the Chihuly Glass and Garden exhibit lies at the base of the Space Needle. Though relatively recent, on one site it has consistently been named Seattle's Number 1 tourist attraction. There is a combined ticket for the two, which is hard to ignore. On the morning of the day you leave, I'd visit the Pike Place Market. Unless you already know how to get to Uptown (lower Queen Anne) or are being picked up, easy to take the Link light rail adjacent to KSS northbound to the current end of the line (Westlake), then the monorail (separate ticket) to the Seattle Center. Very short walk from there to where you're staying.
Do passengers boarding at intermediate stations (planning an ARG redemption MSP to LAX this summer if I can find roomette availability) also get the amenity kit and bubbly?

It sounds a like a great night cap to begin the trip with the train leaving around 11:00pm.
Do passengers boarding at intermediate stations (planning an ARG redemption MSP to LAX this summer if I can find roomette availability) also get the amenity kit and bubbly?
It sounds a like a great night cap to begin the trip with the train leaving around 11:00pm.
Yes...I get the above heading west on the EB out of CBS each trip. Don't get excited, it's just a small split bottle. :p
Thanks again everyone for all of the replies :)

Looks like I'll have to make a naughty, nice, & nonexistent SCA list for future reference :p

I'm really looking forward to seeing the Puget Sound and all of the other sights from the train.

The Space Needle,btw I love Dale Chihuly's work, and Pike Place are definitely on my list.

My hotel has what looks like an awesome rooftop deck, I always have an umbrella with me so, if need be, I'll use it but I'm having coffee and a cocktail on that deck!

I think I got an awesome deal....Mediterranean Inn, booked on Hotels.com, queen $107, WiFi too, Starbucks off the lobby.

Whaddya' think?


We stayed in this hotel last fall and had a great stay. Lot's of interesting restaurants within a block or so. history buff
We stayed in this hotel last fall and had a great stay. Lot's of interesting restaurants within a block or so. history buff
Thanks for your feedback, the hotel looks wonderful and they have great every day rates, imo :)

I walked the neighborhood using Google street view and it looked nice - the amount of unique restaurants very close by was a plus.
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