Covid Mask Mandate for Transportation

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I agree totally about credibility. So far as I am concerned, CDC has lost it. They keep moving their target(s). I am keeping up with the actual cases and deaths statistics in detail for Mississippi and Tennessee, those two because I am on the border between, and the difference between the real numbers and the sky is falling claims is amazing. The numbers of cases and deaths has gotten so low consistently for the last couple months that stats that were published in detail daily are now either 5 days a week or weekly. I am not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, as I, wife and most of family except the younger kids have had the shots, but as to the masks? I wear them in places where I think it will make the surrounding people more comfortable, but otherwise, generally no. I regard them as primarily theatre. If those of you that want to keep wearing masks, I say knock yourself out doing so and leave the non-paranoid alone. I am just as concerned about catching the flu or a cold as I am Covid.
I’m on an Alaska airlines flight and they announced no more mask mandate … my timing is terrible
At this point, I have to admit that masks don't matter to me.
You want me to wear one? Fine.
You don't care? Then I won't.
It is a a small but real attempt to limit viral transmission. By itself it isn't all that effective but in conjunction with other techniques it is reasonably effective part of a risk mitigation system.
I did most of this masking stuff because I have older, compromised, people I love that I see frequently. Now that they have been vaccinated and boosted, I am less paranoid.
At this point, I have to admit that masks don't matter to me.
You want me to wear one? Fine.
You don't care? Then I won't.
It is a a small but real attempt to limit viral transmission. By itself it isn't all that effective but in conjunction with other techniques it is reasonably effective part of a risk mitigation system.
I did most of this masking stuff because I have older, compromised, people I love that I see frequently. Now that they have been vaccinated and boosted, I am less paranoid.
I have two young grandchildren that I see at least once a week. I'm still masking up, for their sake.
It's gonna be a mess. I do not envy anybody on the front lines who's expected to enforce mask wearing, particularly now where there's quite a bit of uncertainty (and technically is it still "by federal mandate" - verbiage I've heard a lot - if the federal mandate has been struck down?)

EDIT TO ADD: United's still requiring them pending further guidance from the federal government. First one I've heard of one way or the other in terms of reacting to the ruling.

Interesting how quickly this changed, at least according to the Chicago Tribune (probably paywalled) - united nixes mask requirement but not Metra & CTA as yet:
I am not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, as I, wife and most of family except the younger kids have had the shots, but as to the masks? I wear them in places where I think it will make the surrounding people more comfortable, but otherwise, generally no. I regard them as primarily theatre. If those of you that want to keep wearing masks, I say knock yourself out doing so and leave the non-paranoid alone. I am just as concerned about catching the flu or a cold as I am Covid.
During the time I was masked I went two years without infections or even allergies. I do not know anyone who masked up religiously and got sick from anything during that time. I stopped wearing a mask regularly after being vaxxed and boosted but that was a compelling experience and in the future when I'm feeling sick or visiting people with compromised health I'll choose to mask up again. I think many of the changes come from the fact that pandemics are unpredictable and supply chains are not able to turn on a dime. So, the advice that is relevant when we have one variant versus a bunch of knit cloths is different from having advanced filters against a dozen more infectious variants.
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Interesting how quickly this changed, at least according to the Chicago Tribune (probably paywalled) - united nixes mask requirement but not Metra & CTA as yet:
News reported here in Los Angeles that LA Metro trains and buses as well as Metrolink commuter trains will continue masking until the current expiration.

EDIT UPDATE from Metrolink:
"UPDATE: TSA officials have rescinded the mask requirement on public transportation and at transportation hubs. As a result, masks are no longer required aboard Metrolink trains and at Metrolink stations. The CDC still recommends masks in indoor settings.
Thank you for riding Metrolink — we'll see you on the train."
from their Facebook page.
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I wholeheartedly agree with everything that Mr. Harris and Ziv said above. I no longer wear a mask anywhere. The rate of transmission is so low in my county that it's negligible, and even within the state of Washington, the new variant of the Omicron variant is very low. I too believe that anyone who wants to wear a mask, go for it. It's none of my business. And if I don't want to, I won't and don't. Now if I enter a place where they are still mandated, I will, if only to keep businesses from getting into trouble for non-enforcement, and to keep from getting into trouble myself. I don't like confrontations.🙂 And, for the record, I am fully vaxxed and have had a booster shot as well. I have held onto my masks, just in case, however.
I agree totally about credibility. So far as I am concerned, CDC has lost it. They keep moving their target(s). I am keeping up with the actual cases and deaths statistics in detail for Mississippi and Tennessee, those two because I am on the border between, and the difference between the real numbers and the sky is falling claims is amazing. The numbers of cases and deaths has gotten so low consistently for the last couple months that stats that were published in detail daily are now either 5 days a week or weekly. I am not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, as I, wife and most of family except the younger kids have had the shots, but as to the masks? I wear them in places where I think it will make the surrounding people more comfortable, but otherwise, generally no. I regard them as primarily theatre. If those of you that want to keep wearing masks, I say knock yourself out doing so and leave the non-paranoid alone. I am just as concerned about catching the flu or a cold as I am Covid.
And a Mask helps you not catch those also when around others!
'Meanwhile, in a statement to News 4 New York, Amtrak also confirmed that the agency's mask mandate will remain in place for the time-being.

"As we have seen with the vaccine mandates, these court decisions are subject to review on appeal. Pending further information from TSA and FRA about their mask mandate guidance, Amtrak’s mask mandate remains in place," Amtrak's statement said.'

ETA: there are conflicting reports. This just came out from WTOP. "Amtrak, on the other hand, has decided to loosen its mask guidance for employees and passengers, following a series of airline statements moving to “mask-optional” guidance."
Despite ruling, masks still required on Metro, Amtrak and airlines loosen restrictions | WTOP News
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VICTORY! Hopefully on Amtrak trains all across the country there have been mass unmaskings :)

Why? Amtrak hasn't announced that they've removed the mask mandate from their trains. Until that happens, I would expect passengers to mask up, just as they did when Amtrak had a mask mandate before the all-encompassing federal one.
Why? Amtrak hasn't announced that they've removed the mask mandate from their trains. Until that happens, I would expect passengers to mask up, just as they did when Amtrak had a mask mandate before the all-encompassing federal one.

He said “Hopefully” - and frankly I agree with him. Masks were a necessary step in much earlier days - but at this point they should be a personal choice.
As a person who uses Amtrak for work with no alternative and who is immunocompromised, I will not be happy if it's dropped, particularly with how crowded NE corridor trains have become with the reduced schedule (usually 90% full or more), but I think it's inevitable. I wear a good mask but sitting directly next to someone who is infected as I statistically will be one of these days it may not be enough.

Edit: NY Times now saying it's dropped so I guess it is.
“While Amtrak passengers and employees are no longer required to wear masks while on board trains or in stations, masks are welcome and remain an important preventive measure against COVID-19,” an Amtrak spokesperson told WTOP. “Anyone needing or choosing to wear one is encouraged to do so.”
Props to the Amtrak spokesperson for using the correct version of preventive.
I wear a good mask but sitting directly next to someone who is infected as I statistically will be one of these days it may not be enough.
I think Amtrak needs a robust HEPA filtration system similar to what modern aircraft use. I've been annoyed by their endless focus on disinfectant sprays since that has jack all to do with spreading C19.
He said “Hopefully” - and frankly I agree with him. Masks were a necessary step in much earlier days - but at this point they should be a personal choice.
At this point they should be required by law.

Anyone who doesn't wear a mask in public is committing assault with a deadly virus, and should expect to be treated appropriately, with self-defense responses.
I agree totally about credibility. So far as I am concerned, CDC has lost it. They keep moving their target(s).

They sure do. With the case rates being sky-high they changed their counting system and started ignoring cases and only looking at hospitalizations. Which is... well, it's a lagging indicator, and it ignores Long Covid, which is criminal.

We're running well over 300 cases per 100K per day in parts of the Northeast. It'll get to the rest of you pretty soon.

Here's the real map, not the new "everything is fine, ignore all the sick people" map:
I suspect some areas simply aren't testing.
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