COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic: Amtrak-related Discussion

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Yeah saw this this morning. Coronavirus is heating up, killing elderly like wild fire, I keep plastic latex type glove in wallet to avoid touching anything others touch at register, and gloves when I get gas, sleeve to open doors, I was already doing this a bit, to reduce my 5 colds a year, its survival. I'm probably gona be dead if I get this I have have problems to begin with. I think we will see 30, to 100 thousand deaths just in 2020 unless it vanishes
Yeah saw this this morning. Coronavirus is heating up, killing elderly like wild fire, I keep plastic latex type glove in wallet to avoid touching anything others touch at register, and gloves when I get gas, sleeve to open doors, I was already doing this a bit, to reduce my 5 colds a year, its survival. I'm probably gona be dead if I get this I have have problems to begin with. I think we will see 30, to 100 thousand deaths just in 2020 unless it vanishes
That would be a stunning amount. 30-100 thousand considering new cases in the major areas are dropping daily. Its good you are being safe.
That would be a stunning amount. 30-100 thousand considering new cases in the major areas are dropping daily. Its good you are being safe.

What do you base 30 - 100,000 deaths on? That’s well beyond the current statistic of death to infected rate. Your post is sort of inciting panic, or fear in people who don’t follow the science and rather read things like this. Sure, we don’t know how this particular virus will work itself out, but to make such dire prediction is a bit premature and probably best kept to self. There are smart things to do, steps to take to ensure one’s safety. Even individuals with health conditions already in place are making it through quarantine and coming out the other side just fine. No need to be a Debbie Downer when you have no science to back up your numbers. Everyone should subscribe to their weekly newsletters with updates. JMHO.
What do you base 30 - 100,000 deaths on? That’s well beyond the current statistic of death to infected rate. Your post is sort of inciting panic, or fear in people who don’t follow the science and rather read things like this. Sure, we don’t know how this particular virus will work itself out, but to make such dire prediction is a bit premature and probably best kept to self. There are smart things to do, steps to take to ensure one’s safety. Even individuals with health conditions already in place are making it through quarantine and coming out the other side just fine. No need to be a Debbie Downer when you have no science to back up your numbers. Everyone should subscribe to their weekly newsletters with updates. JMHO.

PS, I send this reply to the original poster of those stats, not Suave850!
Published infection rates and mortality rates are completely suspect. The only one we have any significant stats numbers is China's figures of 1 in about 30 deaths. But what is the base Only serious cases or all cases or some where in the middle. China may not even know how many get a mild case or may not report mild cases ? What bout Iran ? It can go on and on. In one week this post will probably be completely obsolete and have no meaning ? Check its date.

EDIT: There was An interesting interview with one health official on CBS tonight . He stated that maybe 75% of the US population would eventually come down with the virus. Find that suspect. However that might include persons who are only carriers ? Again this will all be obsolete in a week or less ?
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I think the people who are freaking out over COVAR-19 are the same ones who refuse to get their annual flu vaccination because, "I got the flu shot once and got the flu anyway." Something on the order of 20K people die each year as a result of catching the flu. No one blinks an eye. Hopefully, by August a vaccine for COVAR-19 will be released. ITMT, we all need to be very careful about public hygiene, wash our hands thoroughly and regularly and stop touching our faces (my downfall).
I think the people who are freaking out over COVAR-19 are the same ones who refuse to get their annual flu vaccination

I would definitely disagree with this. I am one of those people who do NOT get a flu vaccination - and I will continue to do so (or actually not do so) until my doctor (the guy with the medical training) tells me it's time. (I'm 60 years old, very healthy, and work in a school environment...yet still, he agrees that I'm fine at this point without a shot.)

I think it's the opposite - the people who are concerned (I like that better than "freaking out") are the ones who DO get their flu shots. They obviously have a bigger concern than someone like me, a non-shot getter. And maybe there's a good reason for that for them.

I don't get flu shots (yet), I've never gotten the flu (yet) and my concern level about the coronavirus is very very low.

Sorry - I place 99% of the blame on the media. Stop screaming at us every day about it! As always, just my opinion.
Well, at least I heard less about it since the South Carolina primary, and with Super Tuesday today - that will distract them (the media) for a bit.

I have 3 auto train trips booked - still planning on going.

I stocked up on food/essentials (weeks worth) in the last several days. We've had close brushes (less than 100 miles offshore) with major hurricanes 3 of the last 4 years - so, if nothing else, I'm just prepping early for the season !

If/when the general public (whole country) panics/smells blood, there will be lots of empty shelves. I've seen it locally with storms, and this would be much worse I suspect. Not sure how much "stuff" is out there in warehouses ready to restock THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

The stuff won't really hit the fan unless there's widespread school closings and such - then it will be a domino effect.
Sorry - I place 99% of the blame on the media. Stop screaming at us every day about it! As always, just my opinion.

I agree. It is not as serious as the common flu, and nowhere near as serious as the spanish flu.
The media's #1 job is to sell airtime for commercials, and more viewers means more money.

Thats why the media is screaming "apocalypse" but the medical industry is say, "meh, get your flu shot, wash your hands".

THat said, while I'm not going to change any of my plans, I am worried that this media frenzy is going to cause my plans to get cancelled.
I agree. It is not as serious as the common flu, ....

It's REALLY too soon to conclude that. We don't know nearly enough about exactly how the virus is transmitted, how long it can live outside a living host, what proportion of infected people don't show symptoms and/or for how long.... This is NOT a virus we co-evolved with, so its epidemiological pattern in human populations is unknown.
The concrete number that is know at present is that of all the resolved cases (i.e. recovered or died) about 6% are fatalities. This number has been slowly coming down as time passes. That number is much much higher than for Flu. However, this number is also unduly skewed by Hubei. China minus Hubei is closer to 1-3%. Outside China, at present Italy and Iran are much much higher, but that is to be expected during the early phase of spread in an area, since typically fatalities take less time than full recovery.

Of course it also gives little indication about what that number will settle down to in steady state after a vaccine has become available and more is known about prevention and treatment. The Chinese and Singaporeans, for example, are currently way ahead of us, specially in crafting an antibody test, that they have already started using.

One important thing that is not known yet is how long an immunity developed through an infection lasts. The Chinese have found some effectiveness in using blood serum from recovered patients for treating serious and critical cases. They currently have almost 50,000 recovered cases.

The other concrete number that is known and possibly of some use is that of all the active cases a shade over 17% are classified as serious or critical. The total number of active cases worldwide is still trending marginally downwards with passing time. But that may not last as the spread in other areas enters a growth phase of the process.
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I would definitely disagree with this. I am one of those people who do NOT get a flu vaccination - and I will continue to do so (or actually not do so) until my doctor (the guy with the medical training) tells me it's time. (I'm 60 years old, very healthy, and work in a school environment...yet still, he agrees that I'm fine at this point without a shot.)

I think it's the opposite - the people who are concerned (I like that better than "freaking out") are the ones who DO get their flu shots. They obviously have a bigger concern than someone like me, a non-shot getter. And maybe there's a good reason for that for them.

I don't get flu shots (yet), I've never gotten the flu (yet) and my concern level about the coronavirus is very very low.

Sorry - I place 99% of the blame on the media. Stop screaming at us every day about it! As always, just my opinion.
I know a number of school teachers and they are always getting sick with something or another. One of my friends had to retire early because she got so many respiratory illnesses including flu from the kiddos that she ended up with chronic bronchitis and now has COPD from that. My sister quit teaching and once she did, she stopped getting all those infectious respiratory illnesses including flu and pneumonias, but her system had been already badly damaged by all the pneumonias that she had gotten every winter that she is now on oxygen 24/7 and can't walk. She just turned 70 last year. So I think you are lucky to have successfully evaded infectious diseases and I'm really glad. I think your doctor probably understands you have a robust system and that is why he doesn't press you on the flu vaccination issue.
.....and I will continue to do so (or actually not do so) until my doctor (the guy with the medical training) tells me it's time. (I'm 60 years old, very healthy, and work in a school environment...yet still, he agrees that I'm fine at this point without a shot.).....
Assuming we're talking about an MD or DO, you might want recheck with him for his current advice. Many of the most serious cases of COVAR-19 are in combination with some other ailment (e.g. flu, pneumonia, etc.)

its amazing that no one sees this on their own Lysol cans
There is nothing new about Coronavirus. It's a class of virus. I think it causes the common cold. What's new is COVAR-19, a much more serious form of the Coronavirus.
Assuming we're talking about an MD or DO, you might want recheck with him for his current advice. Many of the most serious cases of COVAR-19 are in combination with some other ailment (e.g. flu, pneumonia, etc.)

There is nothing new about Coronavirus. It's a class of virus. I think it causes the common cold. What's new is COVAR-19, a much more serious form of the Coronavirus.
The official name of the virus appears to be SARS-CoV-2. The disease caused by the virus is called COVID-19 (stands for COrona VIrus Disease of 19). However, in popular press the name of the disease is often used as the name of the virus. The Chinese had initially named the virus 2019-nCoV (2019 new Corona Virus).

Indeed many of the severe or critical cases involve some sort of bacterial pneumonia resulting from a virus weakened respiratory system. This is disastrous for anyone with a compromised immune system.
Published infection rates and mortality rates are completely suspect. The only one we have any significant stats numbers is China's figures of 1 in about 30 deaths. But what is the base Only serious cases or all cases or some where in the middle. China may not even know how many get a mild case or may not report mild cases ? What bout Iran ? It can go on and on. In one week this post will probably be completely obsolete and have no meaning ? Check its date.
You might as well start questioning the veracity of what is coming out of our own CDC while you are at it. They seem to have been unable to get a testing kit that actually works even until a few days back. On the other hand they did very quickly sequence and publish the virus sample collected from the first Snohomish County case. They can be very good when there is reduced political and bureaucratic interference.

China and Singapore at least have a serum antibody test that they are starting to deploy, that will allow them to learn of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases. US is still far from getting one of those. It barely has a regular test for the disease out in the field.
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its amazing that no one sees this on their own Lysol cansView attachment 17019
I recently saw several images like this accompanying wild-eyed accusations. Apparently there's a growing conspiracy theory that corona viruses were designed and released by terrorists/media/medical personnel in order to harm a certain stable genius. o_O

You might as well start questioning the veracity of what is coming out of our own CDC while you are at it. They seem to have been unable to get a testing kit that actually works even until a few days back.
The CDC was recently implicated in the premature release of an infected quarantine subject spurring the declaration of a local emergency in an attempt to prevent further lapses in judgement and ineffective protocol. :confused:
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I recently saw several images like this combined with wild-eyed accusations. Apparently there's a growing conspiracy wave claiming that corona viruses were designed and released by terrorists/media/medical personnel in order to harm a certain stable genius.

The CDC was recently implicated in the premature release of an infected quarantine subject spurring the declaration of a local state of emergency in an attempt to prevent further lapses in judgement.

I'm sure that China's biological warfare center is in Wuhan, is just a coincidence. Right?
I spoke today with the MD who teaches anatomy in my department. (He is also of Chinese heritage and has been to China in the past six months). He expressed concern over my risk of exposure (I have asthma but it is generally well-controlled) and especially expressed concern about my 83 year old mother. He seems to think the virus is considerably more serious than is being reported, based on what he's read in journals. So, out of what is probably an excess of caution, I re-made my reservations for May.

I am not sure why people are claiming it was "free" to cancel; I would have eaten nearly $200 of a $700 trip (NO I do not pay for travel insurance, maybe I should?) if I had canceled, and a little less if I had taken the ticket as a "voucher" but apparently May was soon enough to reschedule.

I HOPE this is under control by then, or if it isn't, I'll just cancel and eat the $200 but I am not happy. Also not happy about not getting to see my mom and spending a spring break stuck in my little town, but whatever.
They are waiving change fees. Are they waiving cancellation fees too?

Hello To All, It has been awhile since my last post. I have been a lurker for the past year and a half. Family issues have kept me from traveling and participating in the forum. I can add some insight though to this question after cancelling an existing AGR reservation this morning.

The reservation in question was made in early February 2020. When it was cancelled my redemption points were reposted to my account minus a 10% penalty fee. At the time I was unaware of the Change Fees Waived policy recently implemented. When I acquired later in the day concerning this policy, the AGR agent came across unfamiliar with this new policy. I asked to speak to a supervisor and after waiting for a few minutes the AGR agent said none were available to discuss my matter. After further discussion, the agent offered to repost (on a one time basis) the penalized points to my account. The agent explained the reposting of points in this manner is handled via an email request. I will followup with another post when this happens. I have concerns they may not.

I must say my two calls today with the AGR agents question on whether I was talking to outsourced individuals. The first agent was initially going to charge me a 20% penalty fee. I had to read the penalty policy off the website to the agent. The second agent appeared to be unaware of the Change Fee Policy that was recently implemented. This is not the AGR I have experienced on prior occasions.

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