CHI - SEA on EB in coach with 3mo infant -- advice?

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NW cannonball

Jun 28, 2012
Friends have booked CHI-SEA in coach with a 3mo infant. I suggested roomette, both adults have done CHI-SEA-CHI in coach and roomette several times - but coach it will be.

Any advice? Anybody done that? Last time I did CHI-SEA with an infant was 30 years ago in roomette.

Yes, the parents know what food to carry, etc. And the infant I'm told is usually peaceful.

But, worried, any help welcome
I've done this trip (to Portland though) with a 10 month old*. Frankly to my memory I remember it being pretty easy. We got the kid a seat so we'd have space for the car seat. He slept a great deal of the time. We were in the coach baggage and that was great as when he'd get upset I'd go down and walk in the lower level since there were no passengers down there I didn't feel so bad about the crying. Nice thing about the train was if the crying was bothering somebody they and we have the ability to get away, not so on a plane. A 3 month old won't be mobile so that will actually probably help. There's a lower level lounge area (not a great term, I just remember it had a bench) if the mother isn't comfortable feeding the baby at her seat.

*Also had a 3 year old, my wife, and parents so not wholly similar.
You didn't indicate if the baby was being bottle or breast fed. Hopefully they are aware that there is no provision for heating bottles, refrigeration except for ice in a cooler etc.

Also hopefully they will have an adequate supply of diapers and dispose of them properly in the restrooms.

If the baby sleeps most of the trip and doesn't become I'll, I see no reason why this trip can't be done easily.

They may want to use a Red Cap in Union Station to get to the train so they can pre-board and choose seats in Coach. In this case a bulk head seat with lots of floor space would seem best.

As a matter of personal interest, I took a couple of LD trips with my mom before my first birthday in Coach ( non Air Conditioned) from West Texas to Seattle and McCook, Nebraska to visit my Serviceman Dad before he went overseas in WWII.
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Three month olds are generally so very portable. This seems like a pretty easy trip (as cross-country coach trips with children go). Tend to the needs (and wants) of the baby (this is NOT the time for "cry it out") and enjoy the ride.
Thanks for the support and suggestions. Bulkhead seats - yes. Walking the babe in her sling on the lower level - yes (I now remember how well even a short walk outdoors,or even just down the hallway and back, would calm my kids at that age)

I checked back with the parents, mentioned this thread, they send thanks.

Yes the babe is breast-fed so no formula worries, they say she sleeps well at night, a few grunts when she wakes and wants feeding, and yes, the dad's brother is a plumber :) -- so they won't try flushing any diapers.

They tell me they chose the train, rather than flying, for two reasons, first for the away time together, second because of scary stories of infants getting ear pain on airplanes and screaming for hours with no way to calm them.

Thanks again.


Thinking back a few decades, I don't recall really young infants being a problem for me sleeping in coach. Some older ones, rarely.
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"Thinking back a few decades, I don't recall really young infants being a problem for me sleeping in coach. Some older ones, rarely."

NW Cannonball - I would imagine that's due to the motion. Every baby I've ever met who didn't want to settle would be stone cold asleep after a nice quiet car ride. The train probably has the exact same effect. Another reason trains beat planes, hehe.
We got the kid a seat so we'd have space for the car seat.

Plus, I'll add the advise to bring extras of things like diapers. I remember back to those days, and I can remember that nothing is more stressful than an unexpected delay, with the addition factor that you're running out of diapers. Pack enough for an additional 24 hours.
"Thinking back a few decades, I don't recall really young infants being a problem for me sleeping in coach. Some older ones, rarely."

NW Cannonball - I would imagine that's due to the motion. Every baby I've ever met who didn't want to settle would be stone cold asleep after a nice quiet car ride. The train probably has the exact same effect. Another reason trains beat planes, hehe.
Follow-up report

All 3 of them liked the trip. They didn't get bulkhead seats, the baby was 4 months old on departure, only hollered a few minutes each day, and a fresh diaper or a feeding or a walk fixed that pronto. They took plenty diapers and burp-rags. The train was plumb full westbound, less so on the eastbound return trip..

I suggested they sign up and do a trip report, but no.

They did mention two high points of the trip, both on the eastbound leg when the babe was 5 months old.

1... In the diner, babe on mom's lap. Babe grabs moms's fork and the piece of steak on it and gums and licks that railroad steak and won't let go.

2... Between Ephrata and Spokane small wildfires near the tracks made the train 4 hours late out of Spokane --

"We got to see Idaho!"

Thanks all,


Bottom line --

Coach on Long-distance train with infant --- can be good, with reasonable preparedness.
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