AU member passes away

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Sep 9, 2006
Colfax, WA (CFX)
From this morning's Spokane Spokesman-Review:

John was known on AU as jmbgeg. I didn't know him well, having only met him in person once, that at the 2011 Gathering in Seattle, but we did IM back and forth some. From his correspondance, I know he was a staunch passenger rail supporter as well as a staunch Republican, something you don't see much of. Our congressional representative is not exactly an Amtrak supporter, but John was on a first-name basis with her and made sure to let her know how he stood on the matter of Amtrak funding. I hadn't heard from him in some time, and was wondering how he was doing. I guess I found out. :(

R.I.P John and condolences to friends and family.
How sad! :( RIP John.

I guess that I can say this now, but for those who were in Seattle for the Gathering may remember that their first drink at the group dinner wasn't on their bill. That was thanks to John, he gave me the money to pay for the first round and I made arrangements with the restaurant to put all those drinks on one bill, which I then paid with the money that John had provided.

So I think that Ryan's suggestion would be a wonderful idea in his honor!
:( way too early. I met him on the train to Seattle. I flew to Spokane to board the EB. Didn't get a chance to talk much as he was taking a sleeper and I in coach. I don't remember not paying for a drink in Seattle, but thanks John!
How sad! :( RIP John.

I guess that I can say this now, but for those who were in Seattle for the Gathering may remember that their first drink at the group dinner wasn't on their bill. That was thanks to John, he gave me the money to pay for the first round and I made arrangements with the restaurant to put all those drinks on one bill, which I then paid with the money that John had provided.

So I think that Ryan's suggestion would be a wonderful idea in his honor!
That's great. Sounds like he was a great guy. I'm sorry for your loss everyone.