As of today I will travel only by Rail or Auto

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Nov 24, 2009
Hillsborough, NJ
I just saw on tonights news that full body scanning x-ray machines are now being installed at major US airports. You, your sponse and even your children will now not only recieve a nice dose of potential cancer causing xrays, they also will be seen complelely naked by the screener. I've always hated air travel due to the overcrowded , filthy, unheathy dehumanizing conditions that they offer but this X-ray stuff is the last draw. As of today I will no longer use any air travel for my transportation needs. The a holes that thought of this blatant personal intrusion and abridgement of our personal freedoms must be sent a message and it will start with me. How dare they invade our personal freedom like this. They won't be invading mine or giving me cancer in the name of secuirity that hasn't caught one single terrorist since 911-NOT A SINGLE ONE!. We the people must resist this violation of our civil rights.
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If they want to see my naughty bits then I should get to see theirs.
Hubby & I were talking about this.

I feel concern for frequent fliers-exposure to radiation over & over cannot be good for you!

I do not want to fly anymore if I must be radiated to get on a plane.

I really don't like the idea of just anybody being able to see me or my family members that way, either.

It's going to be interesting to see if more people start bailing on flying & choose other modes of transportation.

i just hope they don't extend it to trains.
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Tch, way to scare off people that might have been considering taking even a one-time flight. I was considering taking a flight out to Sacramento given time restraints of when my vacation starts at work and when something I wanted to do out there that only happens on Sunday nights, but now I'm not sure about that D:
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Oh boy! Cancer risks, full body shots or somebody pawing me. What a choice! Maybe someone should strap on a whoopie cushion so when the TSA agent touches it, it makes noise! They probably would not get the joke, though.
I just saw on tonights news that full body scanning x-ray machines are now being installed at major US airports. You, your sponse and even your children will now not only recieve a nice dose of potential cancer causing xrays, they also will be seen complelely naked by the screener. I've always hated air travel due to the overcrowded , filthy, unheathy dehumanizing conditions that they offer but this X-ray stuff is the last draw. As of today I will no longer use any air travel for my transportation needs. The a holes that thought of this blatant personal intrusion and abridgement of our personal freedoms must be sent a message and it will start with me. How dare they invade our personal freedom like this. They won't be invading mine or giving me cancer in the name of secuirity that hasn't caught one single terrorist since 911-NOT A SINGLE ONE!. We the people must resist this violation of our civil rights.
Chill, they are not FORCING you to submit yourself to the x-ray. You have already chosen alternative means. It is in NO WAY a violation of any civil rights. Don't like it? Don't fly. Or fly private.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the crap too, but it doesn't violate my civil rights, any more than a security camera does in a public park, or downtown street.
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Oh boy! Cancer risks, full body shots or somebody pawing me. What a choice! Maybe someone should strap on a whoopie cushion so when the TSA agent touches it, it makes noise! They probably would not get the joke, though.
THAT is a great idea, as long whatever prank you have under you clothes is legal, I doubt they could do anything, but detain you enuff to make you miss your flight.
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Oh boy! Cancer risks, full body shots or somebody pawing me. What a choice! Maybe someone should strap on a whoopie cushion so when the TSA agent touches it, it makes noise! They probably would not get the joke, though.
THAT is a great idea, as long whatever prank you have under you clothes is legal, I doubt they could do anything, but detain you enuff to make you miss your flight.
Aw, and here I was thinking a temporary tattoo of a fist giving the finger and saying F**** you. No, not entirely sure why.
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Oh boy! Cancer risks, full body shots or somebody pawing me. What a choice! Maybe someone should strap on a whoopie cushion so when the TSA agent touches it, it makes noise! They probably would not get the joke, though.
THAT is a great idea, as long whatever prank you have under you clothes is legal, I doubt they could do anything, but detain you enuff to make you miss your flight.
Aw, and here I was thinking a temporary tattoo of a fist giving the finger and saying F**** you. No, not entirely sure why.

I'm sure that would go over well too. NOT! I didn't say I would do a whoopie cushion, just thought it was an amusing idea. But of course quite juvenile.

If I was to go to the trouble of paying for a flight, I would not do something like that to disrupt it.

Now if I was a teenager, maybe. Nah, maybe not.
The radiation exposure from the scanner is less than the exposure of two minutes of flight at altitude. It is less than the added exposure on the California Zephyr crossing the Rockies. It is the same as you get from natural background radiation in 30 minutes anywhere. In technical terms: big deal.

As for privacy: some newer scanners only show a stylized, cartoon-like image. Suspect materials are highlighted on the screen. Plus, any passenger can refuse the scan. In that case they will pass through the conventional metal detector, and may be subject to secondary screening. Then, there is always Amtrak.
The radiation exposure from the scanner is less than the exposure of two minutes of flight at altitude. It is less than the added exposure on the California Zephyr crossing the Rockies. It is the same as you get from natural background radiation in 30 minutes anywhere. In technical terms: big deal.
As for privacy: some newer scanners only show a stylized, cartoon-like image. Suspect materials are highlighted on the screen. Plus, any passenger can refuse the scan. In that case they will pass through the conventional metal detector, and may be subject to secondary screening. Then, there is always Amtrak.

Hey! If it's a stylized, cartoon like image, maybe they can print it for you! Title it: I was scanned by- at- Don't I look great!

It's actually funny. I thought hubby would set off the metal detector because he has titanium plates-nothing happened.

They need to get a screener like the one in the movie Total Recall. :lol:
If I was to go to the trouble of paying for a flight, I would not do something like that to disrupt it. Now if I was a teenager, maybe. Nah, maybe not.
Step 1 - Go to the Airline's counter and buy a Y fare ticket (full fare, fully refundable)

Step 2 - Screw with the TSA

Step 3 - Go back to the Airline's counter and refund your Y fare ticket.

Step 4 - Go to the train station
If I was to go to the trouble of paying for a flight, I would not do something like that to disrupt it. Now if I was a teenager, maybe. Nah, maybe not.
Step 1 - Go to the Airline's counter and buy a Y fare ticket (full fare, fully refundable)

Step 2 - Screw with the TSA

Step 3 - Go back to the Airline's counter and refund your Y fare ticket.

Step 4 - Go to the train station
:lol: :lol: :lol: Don't give me any ideas! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I believe you can still decline the full-body image and request a traditional pat-down, instead.
Oh boy! Cancer risks, full body shots or somebody pawing me. What a choice! Maybe someone should strap on a whoopie cushion so when the TSA agent touches it, it makes noise! They probably would not get the joke, though.
THAT is a great idea, as long whatever prank you have under you clothes is legal, I doubt they could do anything, but detain you enuff to make you miss your flight.
Aw, and here I was thinking a temporary tattoo of a fist giving the finger and saying F**** you. No, not entirely sure why.

I'm sure that would go over well too. NOT! I didn't say I would do a whoopie cushion, just thought it was an amusing idea. But of course quite juvenile.

If I was to go to the trouble of paying for a flight, I would not do something like that to disrupt it.

Now if I was a teenager, maybe. Nah, maybe not.
Aw, I was mostly kidding. If anything, I'd do that in "under my clothing" territory for at work ^^;
The radiation exposure from the scanner is less than the exposure of two minutes of flight at altitude. It is less than the added exposure on the California Zephyr crossing the Rockies. It is the same as you get from natural background radiation in 30 minutes anywhere. In technical terms: big deal.
As for privacy: some newer scanners only show a stylized, cartoon-like image. Suspect materials are highlighted on the screen. Plus, any passenger can refuse the scan. In that case they will pass through the conventional metal detector, and may be subject to secondary screening. Then, there is always Amtrak.
You mean to tell us that you believe during a flight or train journey, natural background radiation is as much as the dose that you'll get from the scanner? Tell you what, I'll put X-Ray film on my body and I'll go the places that you claim have the same radiation. $1000 says that the film won't show anything. Will you take that bet?

This is propaganda that I would expect to hear from a government bureaucrat, someone in the security industry or someone who doesn't care about more losses of personal freedom. As for some facts

1. Yes there are scanners available that can blur the picture of your private anatomy, but the type of scanners that they are installing will show you. your spouse and children completely naked. I guess if one is a nudist one would not mind but as a Christian I must take exception to this intrusion due to my moral, ethical and religious beliefs.

2. Even if I was not religious; as a social libertarian and a law abiding citizen, I object to being forceably x-rayed. At one time smoking was considered healthy, mercury was put in "beneficial" medicines, microwave exposure was safe, as was lead paint and big brother was even telling us that Agent Orange was safe. Go back a few years and you will discover that many people got cancer from the shoe xray machines of the 40's and 50's and it was hardly safe. . X-Rays are a health hazard and to see body parts it must be strong enough to take a picture. They are also scanning every inch of your body!!!. I get enough from my occasional medical and dental X-Rays and don't need additional dangerous exposure. .

You can trust governemnt if you wish but I don't believe propaganda spread by dishonest and corrupt government bureaucrats that are helping to slowly destroy our constitutional rights. This one clearly violates the 4th amendment.

For the comment made by the forum member "if you don't like it don't fly" I'm not and actually feeling quite good about it.
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If I was to go to the trouble of paying for a flight, I would not do something like that to disrupt it. Now if I was a teenager, maybe. Nah, maybe not.
Step 1 - Go to the Airline's counter and buy a Y fare ticket (full fare, fully refundable)

Step 2 - Screw with the TSA

Step 3 - Go back to the Airline's counter and refund your Y fare ticket.

Step 4 - Go to the train station

I don't think this is a great idea, but if you really want to take advantage of airline Y fares, buy one for a really busy travel day and try to get bumped over and over again for the vouchers. If you don't get bumped, simply walk over to the counter and get a refund, then repeat the process again.

(No, I've never done this -- only read about it!)
I don't think this is a great idea, but if you really want to take advantage of airline Y fares, buy one for a really busy travel day and try to get bumped over and over again for the vouchers. If you don't get bumped, simply walk over to the counter and get a refund, then repeat the process again.
(No, I've never done this -- only read about it!)
Where do people find all this time I wonder :)

As for me, I actually like to fly so much that I have no problem going through a bit of hassle to get my fix. It is similar to me also going through the hassle of spending three days to get from New York to San Fran by train, 'cause I like to ride trains so much too. What can I say. I am crazy :blink: :rolleyes: :lol:
I'm no fan of the sort of security theater TSA specializes in, but I'd have no problem with the new scanners if I imagined they improved security. I've traveled places where they do take security seriously and have willingly put up with much more, umm, personal attention.

I don't imagine that these scanners do improve security, any more than I imagine that taking off my shoes and belt does. It's just another supposed technological fix that benefits the purveyors of the technology.

I like Amtrak and its bracing lack of security theater: there's no way to stop a terrorist from ramming a truck bomb into an Amtrak train at any of 5,000 grade crossings (have you ever noticed how often the Empire Builder sounds its whistle, even in deepest North Dakota or Montana?), so they just don't bother pretending. It's refreshing to be treated as an adult.

In any case, I can do math, and understand that I'm much more likely to get killed by some moron texting while driving while I drive or bicycle home from work than be killed by a terrorist.
I'm no fan of the sort of security theater TSA specializes in, but I'd have no problem with the new scanners if I imagined they improved security. I've traveled places where they do take security seriously and have willingly put up with much more, umm, personal attention.
I don't imagine that these scanners do improve security, any more than I imagine that taking off my shoes and belt does. It's just another supposed technological fix that benefits the purveyors of the technology.

I like Amtrak and its bracing lack of security theater: there's no way to stop a terrorist from ramming a truck bomb into an Amtrak train at any of 5,000 grade crossings (have you ever noticed how often the Empire Builder sounds its whistle, even in deepest North Dakota or Montana?), so they just don't bother pretending. It's refreshing to be treated as an adult.

In any case, I can do math, and understand that I'm much more likely to get killed by some moron texting while driving while I drive or bicycle home from work than be killed by a terrorist.

The math observation is SO true. So many of our citizens don't know how to assess true risk and the media doesn't help matters by making the extreme outliers seem commonplace. As to the scanning issue, not that he's subject to it, but I thought I read an article last week that the Pope had come out against these devices.
What I want to know is why flyers put up with this ****. I know that the day Amtrak starts putting in security measures like this, I will be on line to get to the highest official I can find and start beating my fist on their desk, screaming until my face turns purple about how much I hate it. Then I will leave their office, go to sleep, wake up early the next morning, and go to my local representative and do it all over again.

And again. And again. And again. Until they remove the **** from my train station and issue a public appology for their behaving like a bunch of scaredycat mice. I'd protest. I'd lead mobs. I'd set off riots. I'd bang and scream and yell until people heard me. I'd recruit people and have them march around screaming and carrying signs. Demonstrations. Marches. Riots. General anger directed hard and fast.

And what I can't figure, for the freakin' life of me, why airline passengers haven't done the same.
What I want to know is why flyers put up with this ****.
Why? Because we want to travel cheaply and quickly. Isn't that obvious?

And what are the drawbacks? You get an entirely inconsequential dose of radiation, you get to be one of a thousand ghostly images someone in a different room looks at, and you have to deal with two hours of hassle. For a whole lot of people that's a fair trade compared with ten times the time sitting on a train instead of arriving at the destination.

The fact that you don't understand the point of view of the millions who fly every year really illustrates how out of touch with reality and with the common man lots of railfans are.

Isn't it really understandable that a person trying to take a weekend trip or taking vacation time off from work will value maximizing his time at the destination? Until trans can even approach the speed of planes they're just not an option for such travelers.

Really it's not the fliers that you should be asking about, but the taxpayers in general who are funding this security machine. Why do we all put up with this stuff? Why do we demand it of our politicians? The fliers are hassled, but they judge the hassles to be acceptable because they keep flying, but why do we all, including the railfans, see fit to divert government money to fund this stuff?

Next time you call your congressman to complain about some rail issue or other, also tell him to end this TSA stuff not because it's wrong or an invasion of privacy or whatever, but because it's just dumb and a waste of money.
I just saw on tonights news that full body scanning x-ray machines are now being installed at major US airports. You, your sponse and even your children will now not only recieve a nice dose of potential cancer causing xrays, they also will be seen complelely naked by the screener. I've always hated air travel due to the overcrowded , filthy, unheathy dehumanizing conditions that they offer but this X-ray stuff is the last draw. As of today I will no longer use any air travel for my transportation needs. The a holes that thought of this blatant personal intrusion and abridgement of our personal freedoms must be sent a message and it will start with me. How dare they invade our personal freedom like this. They won't be invading mine or giving me cancer in the name of secuirity that hasn't caught one single terrorist since 911-NOT A SINGLE ONE!. We the people must resist this violation of our civil rights.
Look, I loath airport security more than most. I've endured pat downs, hand luggage searches and explosive residue detection (and the sooner they get into profiling the better- this Anglo-Australian athiest ain't gonna bomb a plane).

But that's the price of living on an island continent. I've travelled across the Pacific by liner, I've travelled from Europe by liner and I can honestly say that it's tedious, boring and expensive.

So get over it, the world is your oyster if you only choose to sample it and you seriously ain't going anywhere if your original post is meant to be taken with any gravity. Well, unless your wallet is bottomless and you have all the time in the world to travel.

And I'm quite prepared to strip if that's what's required to feed my travel addiction. After the 400th passenger boarding an A380 does anyone think the security staff are even watching anymore. :ph34r:
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