A Few CUS changes I noticed

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I can't speak for him, but I rode other trains *first* -- I started taking Amtrak only when I got absolutely fed up with flying. Amtrak is a mess compared to most of them. I honestly think nearly all of Amtrak's problems are Congressionally inflicted, however. I doubt I could do much better with a consistently hostile, anti-train governmental environment. Pretty much every other train I've ever been on has had a supportive government, with the exception of a couple of tourist lines.... and one other.

The NYC Subway has had an unsupportive government in recent years. And good God it's having serious problems. The overcrowding is insane.
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Amtrak has never been allowed to operate like a corporation providing a service to those living near the Amtrak routes. The blame belongs with Congress every year since Amtrak was created. Making Amtrak waste big money for maintenance of cars that should been replaced decades ago, then chastise Management for their high maintenance costs. Now the cost to make the system run as a real service to the population is impossible. For a number of reasons, some highlighted by 9-11, intercity rail needs to grow and improve, not stay stagnant, or degrade.
I don't mind, nay I expect, a few honest negative posts about Amtrak. I have made negative comments myself about aspects of the service.

What I find "interesting", is why someone almost exclusivly chimes in with a negative vibe, are they aware of it... ?

I like train rides. I know little about the equipment, but enjoy the train environment. If I am in France, or India, or America, each place is different... I do not expect to experience the same service, views, or customs.

As to specific Amtrak accomplishments... I feel a service that provides coast to coast train travel over 3 nights for around $215 is something to be proud of. A service that survives against all odds in a "dog eat dog" commercial world is an accomplishment.

We don't have such long distance trains here in the UK, and it was the "romance" of the idea of sleeping overnight and seeing the scenery pass by at ground level that first attracted me.

I like meeting people, and a train ride is a great equaliser... Americans are as varied and interesting as anyone else, and to me, the great bonus is you almost speak English, so I can mostly join in the conversations. ;)

Ed. :cool:
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Excellent post Eddie!

And your comment about the English Language brings to mind the saying that we are a common people separated by a common language and the Atlantic Ocean!
Really!!!?? Is it possible to have one thread on this forum with some sort of car fight? I'm tired of seeing that there are new posts about a topic in interested in, and then discovering another cat fight. Stick to the topic please.
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