A BAD Amtrak trip

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Train Attendant
Jan 13, 2007
Western Wisconsin
A BAD Amtrak trip.

I am asking if my expectations are too high.

Made Guest Rewards reservations in January 2012. MSP to CLE , via CHI, in handicap sleeper both ways.

The day before departure July 18 got a call from Amtrak saying that because of a derailment in Montana we

have to take a bus to CHI. I asked the person on the phone about my luggage and they said I would check it

in MSP and pick it up in CLE, great I said.

At the station at MSP the agent said my luggage would not go until the next train came through, who knew

when that would be, but I could take it on the bus my self. I then asked where will we be dropped off in

CHI. The agent said right in front of Union Station and a Red Cap will be waiting to take the luggage and

check it to CLE again, thought this shouldn't be to bad.

The bus driver was geography challenged, because he didn’t know what exit to get off the freeway. My wife

and I were sitting in the front seats, because we are both handicapped, the driver started to turn left off of

Jackson street onto Jefferson street. I told him that this is not the street Union Station was on. He argued

with me and said this is where you are getting off.

The bus was full, and all the driver did was to put everyone's luggage right next to the bus because there

were cars parked at the curb. This was two and a half blocks from the entrance to the station. We had two

suitcases and a duffel bag, my wife's walker, and my scooter. We had absolutely no help getting to the


I don’t have to tell you what a challenge, both physical and emotional this was. After two elevator rides, in

the station and waiting in line, we headed to the Metropolitan lounge, then we collapsed.

A week ago we received a voucher for $100.00, but no refund of any Guest Reward points. I guess the

$100.00 is OK, but I think some Guest Reward points should be refunded also. Point being no train ride = (a

wash), no bedroom =how many points? and two meals = how many points?

Am I asking to much?

I hope that you can understand this letter, as I'm not much of a writer.
Have you called Amtrak Guest Rewards to discuss your trip? Have your reservation number- date of trip, etc ready when you talk to the agent. If you do not receive some help, ask for a supervisor. :help:

I would think there would be some replacement of your points since you did not receive a sleeper room on the EB. :angry2:

The $100 compensation sounds like Amtrak's guilt trip for the poor service you received by the bus transport. :(
I am very sorry about your trip and the awful service(or lack of) Amtrak really knows how to generate repeat business. Yes you should get points back IMO, and a $100. voucher is a real slap in the face :angry: but in my dealings with CS regarding refunds/vouchers on an AGR award you would have better luck in getting the Sunset Lmtd. east restored. The CS agents seem to think that because it was an AGR award it didn't cost us anything :eek:hboy: and therefore not worthy of much more than a small voucher. I sincerely hope you get points back for services not received or some worthy compensation. Good Luck
Did you get the name of the bus company? Given your circumstances this seems a serious ADA issue and should be reported to Amtrak as such. The driver had no business letting you off so far from the station. I would hope that he would be disciplined or that the company would no longer get any Amtrak business.
It sounds like we have exposed an Achilles heel. With post 9/11 worries about vehicles parking close to the station structure, NY Penn lost one third of pick up / drop off under a key walkway, it has cut possible convenient access severely. Of course having a an a.h. for a bus driver makes the pain hurt more. I wouuld hold a meeting with both Amtrak and bus supervision.
If Amtrak was a private company, they could be sued to kingdom come for their lack of ADA accommodation, but since they are a government bureaucracy, they will skate.
Sorry to hear about this. My understanding is that a points refund is tnpossibke, but you should get more than a $100 voucher for an 8 hour bustitution.
Btw I think I was on your on your original train - the #8 out of SEA on 7/16 which would have been in MSP on 7/18. We were 29.5 hous late into CHI.
Whose bus was it? I find that charter drivers often have more trouble with roads than line-haul drivers, but he should still have driven you to Union Station. I think that you could have received up to $200 in refunds, but at least $100 is better than nothing. I'd say Amtrak should refund $150 at the least, but it would be hard to get additional refund on top of that $100 voucher.
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Trainut, I sent you a PM.

I've passed this along to the District Manager Stations and to my boss the Train Manager. They will look into this situation arriving into Chicago by bus. This is not the first time I've read of not getting any assistance and being far away from the entrance.
Your experience is absolutely shocking. My husband has periodic mobility problems and uses a wheelchair, I cannot imagine the situation you were faced with. None of the other passengers offered to help you?

I certainly think you should receive ALL the points back for the trip, in addition to the compensation. Please write letters to the chairman of Amtrak and even your congressperson. Amtrak cannot be allowed to evade the ADA issues, even if they were committed by a contracted bus company. The bus driver should be fired immediately.

No, you're not asking too much, this is a serious ADA issue and a total Amtrak FAILURE. You were also at serious risk for safety on several levels, including being left on the curb and therefore vulnerable to being mugged. Do not drop this, you need to pursue it to prevent it happening to others. Please report the outcome on this thread.
Totally agree that this is an ADA violation - didn't deliver you near the station and didn't provide any help at all. Didn't meet the terms of carriage.

Don't worry the small refund-voucher thing -- Complain - complain - and then Demand!

Write your Congress-crittur -

This is totally inexcusable if the facts you say are correct.

Incompetent subcontractors are no excuse --

IF your description of what happened is correct -- keep complaining and pushing and bitching and demanding.

Because if what you say is true -- it's a totally creepy -- any effort you can do to help correct the problem will be greatly appreciated by all of us.

OK ... sorry ... but I am going the other way on this one.

Why is it that every time someone has a "bad experience" they think they are owed a complete refund plus punitive damages. AMTRAK got you to Chicago under conditions out of their control (i.e. the derailment). End of story. Be happy they gave you the $100 for "missed meals" and whatever else.

As for the ADA concern ... sure, bring that up to AMTRAK that their logistics need improvement. Who better to describe that than someone in a position to need that accommodation. AMTRAK should have someone meeting that bus, and an arrival point convenient for *all* passengers. There are too many possibilities to consider to explain why that did not happen, but you most certainly should be in AMTRAKs ear about it.

As for more money or points, No.
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Trainut, I sent you a PM.

I've passed this along to the District Manager Stations and to my boss the Train Manager. They will look into this situation arriving into Chicago by bus. This is not the first time I've read of not getting any assistance and being far away from the entrance.
EB OBS, i'm sure you wouldn't want the job but i would sure endorse you as a replacment for joe boardman.
OK ... sorry ... but I am going the other way on this one.

Why is it that every time someone has a "bad experience" they think they are owed a complete refund plus punitive damages. AMTRAK got you to Chicago under conditions out of their control (i.e. the derailment). End of story. Be happy they gave you the $100 for "missed meals" and whatever else.
Even though I agree with the general position, in this specific case I think you are wrong. An Amtrak agent made a specific commitment at MSP, based on which the traveler agreed to this arrangement:

At the station at MSP the agent said my luggage would not go until the next train came through, who knew

when that would be, but I could take it on the bus my self. I then asked where will we be dropped off in

CHI. The agent said right in front of Union Station and a Red Cap will be waiting to take the luggage and

check it to CLE again, thought this shouldn't be to bad.
That commitment was not fulfilled, so a compensation is due for that. Had no such commitment been made I'd agree with your position. Absent the commitment the traveler may have chosen not to continue on the trip given his condition. It was entirely within Amtrak or its contractor's control to fulfill the completely reasonable commitment and for whatever reason apparently not out of their control, they did not. So I would pursue refund of at least some AGR points and at the end of the day I am sure I would even succeed if it were me in this situation.
OK ... sorry ... but I am going the other way on this one.

Why is it that every time someone has a "bad experience" they think they are owed a complete refund plus punitive damages. AMTRAK got you to Chicago under conditions out of their control (i.e. the derailment). End of story. Be happy they gave you the $100 for "missed meals" and whatever else.

As for more money or points, No.
Yes, but the OP did "pay" for sleeper accommodations, which includes meals. Low bucket on MSP-CHI for a roomette is $120; since they didn't receive any of the benefits of sleeper accommodations, the least they should get is a voucher for $120, or 4000 AGR points (the difference between 2 one-zone coach tickets and a 1-zone roomette).
Sorry to hear about this. My understanding is that a points refund is tnpossibke, but you should get more than a $100 voucher for an 8 hour bustitution.
That was the outcome (No AGR points refunded) for my wife and I traveling from MSP to HFY a few years ago. No roomette for us from MSP to CHI due to a very late EB. I called AGR requesting a refund of points and to make a long story short they said NO. Also, no voucher from Amtrak for the bustitution. Personally, I felt there should have been compensation provided both by AGR and Amtrak.

To the OP, sorry to hear about your ordeal. The bus driver should be fired. To EB_OBS, a big thanks for your proactive response in this matter.
OK ... sorry ... but I am going the other way on this one.

Why is it that every time someone has a "bad experience" they think they are owed a complete refund plus punitive damages. AMTRAK got you to Chicago under conditions out of their control (i.e. the derailment). End of story. Be happy they gave you the $100 for "missed meals" and whatever else.

As for more money or points, No.
Yes, but the OP did "pay" for sleeper accommodations, which includes meals. Low bucket on MSP-CHI for a roomette is $120; since they didn't receive any of the benefits of sleeper accommodations, the least they should get is a voucher for $120, or 4000 AGR points (the difference between 2 one-zone coach tickets and a 1-zone roomette).
I believe there is some sort of disconnect between AGR and customer relations, because whenever anyone on this board has an issue with an AGR trip, they get automatically transferred to customer relations. Customer relations has the power to give vouchers, but not point refunds.

So yes, I do agree that some sort of compensation is warranted in this situation and it should be more than $100 voucher for that long of a bustitution, but it seems like it will be very difficult/challenging to get a points refund. That is why I think the OP should focus in on the voucher request.

I would love to hear if anyone has successfully gotten points back from AGR because of a service issue, bustitution, etc.
OK ... sorry ... but I am going the other way on this one.

Why is it that every time someone has a "bad experience" they think they are owed a complete refund plus punitive damages. AMTRAK got you to Chicago under conditions out of their control (i.e. the derailment). End of story. Be happy they gave you the $100 for "missed meals" and whatever else.

As for more money or points, No.
Yes, but the OP did "pay" for sleeper accommodations, which includes meals. Low bucket on MSP-CHI for a roomette is $120; since they didn't receive any of the benefits of sleeper accommodations, the least they should get is a voucher for $120, or 4000 AGR points (the difference between 2 one-zone coach tickets and a 1-zone roomette).
I believe there is some sort of disconnect between AGR and customer relations, because whenever anyone on this board has an issue with an AGR trip, they get automatically transferred to customer relations. Customer relations has the power to give vouchers, but not point refunds.

So yes, I do agree that some sort of compensation is warranted in this situation and it should be more than $100 voucher for that long of a bustitution, but it seems like it will be very difficult/challenging to get a points refund. That is why I think the OP should focus in on the voucher request.

I would love to hear if anyone has successfully gotten points back from AGR because of a service issue, bustitution, etc.

Last summer, I had redeemed a 2 zone bedroom award, Chicago-Sacramento on the CZ and Sacramento-Seattle on the CS. My uncle and his granddaughter went with me, with my uncle in the bedroom with me and his granddaughter in a separate roomette purchased by my uncle. The day before we were to leave, the CZ cancelled all trains. We were rerouted onto the SWC to Los Angeles, but downgraded to coach. We somehow got a bedroom on the CS from Los Angeles to Seattle. I not only got a $150 voucher, but a refund of 10,000 points. I first talked to customer service about the voucher, and they transferred me to AGR for the points refund. All went very smoothly, had no problems at all. It was handled very professionally and courteously by both customer service and AGR. Maybe I got lucky or talked to the right AGR agent at the right time.
An Amtrak agent made a specific commitment at MSP, based on which the traveler agreed to this arrangement:

That commitment was not fulfilled, so a compensation is due for that.
Honestly, a "committment" ... please. The MSP agent gave what info they could or had or might have learned from experience. Right or Wrong. In this case it was not what happened. Maybe the Chicago Police closed off that area. Maybe a sewer main broke obstructing parking.

No matter, to demand compensation? No. We Disagree.
Yes, but the OP did "pay" for sleeper accommodations, which includes meals. Low bucket on MSP-CHI for a roomette is $120; since they didn't receive any of the benefits of sleeper accommodations, the least they should get is a voucher for $120, or 4000 AGR points (the difference between 2 one-zone coach tickets and a 1-zone roomette).
Go sue the Host Railroad. Or better yet, they could have waiting until the next day and taken that train to 'get their benefits'.

AMTRAK did everything they could to get them to Chicago, which happened. To nit-pick over a meal ... please. They got $100 - take it and move on.

I just received a unexpected, and unsolicited, phone call from Amtrak Customer Relations, asking me about my trip to CHI on the bus.

I told her what happened and that I had received a $100.00 voucher for my troubles, she then asked me if she could send me a $200.00 voucher, to make up what she said "was one of the worst incidents she has heard of", and was very sorry for what had happened to my wife and myself. She wanted to give me some GR points , but she was not allowed to do that.

So in my opinion Guest Rewards Did a good job of follow up.
If Amtrak was a private company, they could be sued to kingdom come for their lack of ADA accommodation, but since they are a government bureaucracy, they will skate.
The bus company IS a private company. As a subcontractor for Amtrak, Amtrak can make the bus company hurt severely for this ADA violation.

Seriously, not knowing where Union Station was? Seriously? Amtrak should get a full refund for whatever they paid the bus company!
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