2 roomettes, 1 for us and 1 for kids

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May 12, 2006
We have 2 roomettes for our trip to LA from KC. We wanted them across from each other but they only had #2 and #5. We are traveling with our 2 teen daughters and are wondering how safe the train is at night?? From what we can tell our room is not as close to the other room as we would have liked. I have read that some of the doors dont lock???? There is no way I could sleep if the girls room didn't lock.
forkim said:
We have 2 roomettes for our trip to LA from KC. We wanted them across from each other but they only had #2 and #5. We are traveling with our 2 teen daughters and are wondering how safe the train is at night?? From what we can tell our room is not as close to the other room as we would have liked. I have read that some of the doors dont lock???? There is no way I could sleep if the girls room didn't lock.
The trains are very safe you don't need to worry about a thing. :)
The doors definitely lock - however only from the inside. When you leave your roomette, be sure the drapes are closed on the door and your valuables are not in plain site. Be as safe as you would be if you were sitting in a waiting room - don't leave things unattended.

Your daughters will be safe at night - just be sure they lock the door once they have gone to bed. If for some unforseen reason the locks don't work well enought, speak to your car attendant and/or the conductor about changing rooms. You may want to check once you board and ask the car attendant if there is a vacant room across or next to you.

Enjoy your trip.
You may want to check once you board and ask the car attendant if there is a vacant room across or next to you.
Or see if the occupants next to you, or them, would swap .
Keep check back with Amtrak Res to move rooms - both if necessary.

I had no problem with my two younger kids in a room by themselves. The doors lock, and being "across the hall" only means an arms length away.
As to the kids being in a room by themselves, be sure they understand how to work the locks---train locks are usually kind of "different"....you seldom see a normal knob-looking lock on a train. Nothing to be alarmed about, just don't take for granted, esp. if the kids are still quite young.

Secondly, this whole thing about switching rooms---yes, be sure to check before doing it. One thing to keep iin mind: just because a room is vacant NOW doesn't mean somebody else is not scheduled to board further down the line and occupy it. So," looking vacant" does not mean it is vacant. Trains (and buses) make a lot more stops than planes, so plenty of people both board and deboard all along the way, so you cannot tell by lookinig whether a room (or seat) is spoken for or not.
We have 2 roomettes for our trip to LA from KC. We wanted them across from each other but they only had #2 and #5. We are traveling with our 2 teen daughters and are wondering how safe the train is at night?? From what we can tell our room is not as close to the other room as we would have liked. I have read that some of the doors dont lock???? There is no way I could sleep if the girls room didn't lock.
You may have already viewed a diagram of the Superliner sleeper but in case you didn't, here is a link to do so.....

Have a great trip..........BD

All of the roomettes lock from the inside. But the locks are a bit tricky. Just make sure your kids know how to lock them.

Also, make sure if you leave the roomette to go to the diner, or to the lounge,etc., take your purse or wallet , and train ticket with you.

We were just on the SWC from CHI to Winslow, AZ. The sleeper cars were all in front of the diner and they did a really good job of keeping wandering folks from going into the sleepers. I found that once about 10:00- 10:30 there is very little traffic, other than people boarding and getting off the train. Plus, I found people in the car are really good about respecting the privacy of other compartments. Hope this helps.

The sleepers are very safe. You pretty much get to know your travelmates, and the car attendants pretty much know who should not be in the cars . Happy rails
Also, generally the sleeper coach attendant will be sleeping him/herself in room #1, so you've got "security" just a room away from your kids, and right across from yourself; usually (well, with the good attendants) the only time they'll leave the car is to take a meal break, or to retrieve a meal for someone who doesn't care to eat in the dining car. Quite safe, all in all.
Forkim, you are soon going to be blessed with the oppurtunity of a "travelling town". Thats how the train is to me. You will get to know people and even may get to know some quite well. You may exchange e-mails, smiles or a handshake or two. I will tell you this.....the train is so different from flying. If you were to strike up a conversation with strangers on an airplane, most of them just look at you like your nuts! On an airplane everyone gets in, seated and stare straight ahead like zombies. On a train, its so much more personable. Don't worry about the kids, the boogie monster is at home under thier beds! :rolleyes:
Even if you can't get the rooms changed, in actuality, the rooms are really only about 10-12 feet away from each other, by the time you are in the hallway. I've travelled a couple times, and never had any issues with the rooms, the locks, etc. I'm sure you will have no issues...Enjoy your trip!
Remembering my days as a father of teenagers, I have a suspicion that they may even quietly like the idea of a little geographic "separation" from the old folks. Teens love independence (they truly believe they are adults and that nobody knows it), and having that little room to off to themselves for the trip will be a great experience for them and, once you relax, for you too. You will be only seconds away from them, but still far enough to make it an adventure. Relax and enjoy the trip. Teenagers grow up very fast and these are the times you will treasure.
Rooms 2 and 5 are very close to each other, but not across the aisle. The rooms on one side are odd, even on the other. The rooms will be about 6 feet from each other.
I just spent 4 days on the train. I had a sleeper car most of the trip. Not once did I encounter or even hear of any problems in the sleeper cars.
Chatter163 said:
Also, one parent can stay in each room with each child, so they are not alone.   :)
Oh!!! Chatter, surely you jest. :D I could just picture my 3 daughters faces if my wife and I tried that...They would be something like :angry: for not only the trip but for days to come......BD
 Oh!!! Surely you jest.   I could just picture my 3 daughters faces if my wife and I tried that...They would be something like   for not only the trip but for days to come......BD
No, I was not jesting. You expressed concern about safety, and I offered a very reasonable solution. Sorry if that offended you; I thought the point was their safety rather than teen reactions or something else.

Also, the original post mentioned two daughters, rather than three. I do not know how three non-children could possibly fit into a roomette.
You have your posters mixed up. BD has three daughters, not the original poster.
Boxcar Dummy said:
Chatter163 said:
Also, one parent can stay in each room with each child, so they are not alone.   :)
Oh!!! Chatter, surely you jest. :D I could just picture my 3 daughters faces if my wife and I tried that...They would be something like :angry: for not only the trip but for days to come......BD

I echo this comment especialy after going back to see that they are teen agers, I would have no fear for any child that would be any different from my own home.
Thanks to you all..

One of our daughters will have just turned 17 one month before we leave and the other will turn 15 three months after the trip.... We had four kids and 2 are grown and gone.... time goes sooooo fast... We have taken many road trip with our family and have flown a few times.. We hate to fly and this will be our first train trip.... The train trip will cost a little more then it would have been for us to fly... but we are excited about the sleeper rooms and traveling on a train...

thanks again
Chatter163 said:
Oh!!! Surely you jest. :D  I could just picture my 3 daughters faces if my wife and I tried that...They would be something like   :angry: for not only the trip but for days to come......BD
No, I was not jesting. You expressed concern about safety, and I offered a very reasonable solution. Sorry if that offended you; I thought the point was their safety rather than teen reactions or something else.

Also, the original post mentioned two daughters, rather than three. I do not know how three non-children could possibly fit into a roomette.
Chatter--I think BD was being just a bit sarcastic with the post. As a former teenager myself, I appreciated the humor! I don't think his comment was one of being offended, just trying to be funny. At least, that's my take on it....

Happy Memorial Day weekend everybody....
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