Ohio Gov Kasich Calls Us A "Train Cult"

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Railroad Bill

Buckeye Train Watcher
AU Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2007
Northern Ohio
In a speech made at Newark, Ohio yesterday, Ohio's future governor John Kasich, said he and his newly appointed Director of Transportation will fight any efforts to build high speed rail in Ohio. "These people are a "snout in the trough" "This "Train Cult" has been around since I was young and we are not going to waste money on this project." :angry2:

So there you have it "fellow piggies" :giggle:

Our "Train Cult" has been discovered. I guess I will have to keep burning gasoline on I-71 to get to my train cult meetings at the CLE Amtrak station. :p
Of course the man is apparently too stupid to realize that he's just insulted members of his own party.

It was Republican James Seney who drew up the 3C rail plan. And Mr. Seney was appointed to the Ohio Rail Commission by a Republican Governor. Then that rail plan went to the Republican controlled Ohio State Senate where it was approved 33-0 by the Senate. Additionally, that same Senate voted to seek Federal funding for Mr. Seney's plan.

So the "cult" consists of some of the very same people he's going to have to work with in the legistlature for the next few years.
Wow, I'm a cult member. That's pretty exciting. This guy makes Scott Walker look like a Rhodes Scholar. Good choice, Ohio!
1.75 million OHioans voted for Governor STrickland who wanted the rail system built. That's a really large cult that hopefully will remember next time.

I can hardly wait to see the other cuts Kasich is going to make by March 2011. I suspect a recall may be coming around the corner when the other 1.9 million get gouched. :p
This is political bandstanding at its finest. At a time where there is a terrible economic deficicit at the state and local levels, politicans will look for an issue that appeals to the public outcry for cuts in government spending. They pick on rail travel as its an easy target never explaining that if all passenger rail travel in the USA stopped tomorrow you would hardly notice the reduction in the deficit.

If the spending would be cut on highway and airport spending then we would really see some savings. Over the past 10 years the federal transportation administration has spent TRILLIONS there and we know what Amtrak gets.

When you hear a speech like Kasich's, it needs to be challenged and in the case of passenger rail, it never is.
Pay the troll no mind, with any luck he'll be as useless and ineffective as Taft was. I'd rather have an ineffective leader than a paranoid self-deluded rat fink like Kaisich.
I hope Kasich's public statements encourage LaHood and the FRA to redistribute most, if not all, of the $400 million from Ohio to the Chicago-Detroit, Chicago-St. Louis and other Chicago hub CREATE projects that benefit intercity passenger trains. Michigan asked for $308 million to acquire and upgrade for the Dearborn to Kalamazoo section to 110 mph speeds, but only got $150 million of their request in the FY10 HSIPR grants. If the ex-Ohio funds are spent in upgrades to the Chicago hub and improved services to other Mid-West cities, that will still benefit Ohio in the long run because, after the political climate in Ohio eventually changes, there will be a much improved Chicago hub and lines with busier passenger traffic to connect to in Indiana.
This is political bandstanding at its finest.
Grandstanding maybe?

When you hear a speech like Kasich's, it needs to be challenged and in the case of passenger rail, it never is.
Agreed. This anti-rail nonsense isn't based on any reasonable assumptions so far as I can tell. It's simply a ploy to appeal to the lazy and uneducated among us. Better to inform them of the truth than to let this slide and devolve even further into self-fulfilling conclusion.
I can feel the vultures like Mich. and NY starting to flock around Ohio's carcass. Back off guys, it's still ours for at least two more months!
Sent to the Canton Repository, currently they are vetting my quoting of Kasich:

On Tuesday Governor-Elect John Kasich held a press conference to showcase his appointee to head ODOT. When asked about the Ohio 3C Corridor, a plan that would give passenger rail service to the citizens of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati he said; “So there’s a train cult. ... Part of the feeling in favor of these things are contracts — engineering contracts, construction contracts, snout in the trough. … We’re not going to run some program that some train cult wants to support.”
It has been abundantly clear from the start of the election that Kasich is anti-rail. What is made clear by this statement is that Kasich is in desperate need for a history lesson.

James Seney was appointed to the Ohio Rail Comission by then Republican Governor Bob Taft. Seney, in his six-year tenure as Executive Director spent much time and effort into designing the 3C plan. The plan was put to the Republican controlled Ohio State Senate and passed 33-0, at that time not a single State Senator (Republican, Democrat or otherwise) opposed the 3C project. That was the same senate that decided to seek funding from the USDOT for the project in a separate vote.

Cut to early 2010 and the USDOT awards over $400 billion in grant money to create 8,000 jobs and serve an estimated 478,000 passengers in its first year.

Kasich has made killing the train part of his platform. He proposes that the 3C project is "special interest" and that the money will be better spent on highways and as gifts to private railroads. I think the USDOT might have something to say about that one.

New York and other states are already talking about asking the USDOT for the money when Kasich rejects it. Hasn't Ohio suffered enough? Support passenger rail in Ohio, remind Mr. Kasich that public transit is you and me and our tax dollars.
I thank you Alan for providing me with some information that would beef up the substance of the letter. My ridership figure is based on the 2009 Amtrak Feasibility Report that was received by the ORDC in Sept. of 2009.
Sent to the Canton Repository, currently they are vetting my quoting of Kasich:

On Tuesday Governor-Elect John Kasich held a press conference to showcase his appointee to head ODOT. When asked about the Ohio 3C Corridor, a plan that would give passenger rail service to the citizens of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati he said; “So there’s a train cult. ... Part of the feeling in favor of these things are contracts — engineering contracts, construction contracts, snout in the trough. … We’re not going to run some program that some train cult wants to support.”
It has been abundantly clear from the start of the election that Kasich is anti-rail. What is made clear by this statement is that Kasich is in desperate need for a history lesson.

James Seney was appointed to the Ohio Rail Comission by then Republican Governor Bob Taft. Seney, in his six-year tenure as Executive Director spent much time and effort into designing the 3C plan. The plan was put to the Republican controlled Ohio State Senate and passed 33-0, at that time not a single State Senator (Republican, Democrat or otherwise) opposed the 3C project. That was the same senate that decided to seek funding from the USDOT for the project in a separate vote.

Cut to early 2010 and the USDOT awards over $400 billion in grant money to create 8,000 jobs and serve an estimated 478,000 passengers in its first year.

Kasich has made killing the train part of his platform. He proposes that the 3C project is "special interest" and that the money will be better spent on highways and as gifts to private railroads. I think the USDOT might have something to say about that one.

New York and other states are already talking about asking the USDOT for the money when Kasich rejects it. Hasn't Ohio suffered enough? Support passenger rail in Ohio, remind Mr. Kasich that public transit is you and me and our tax dollars.
I thank you Alan for providing me with some information that would beef up the substance of the letter. My ridership figure is based on the 2009 Amtrak Feasibility Report that was received by the ORDC in Sept. of 2009.
Well written letter man. I hope it gets published!
Get your numbers right. You wrote $400 billion. It should be $400 million.
Will do, that might help :p

If they decide to publish it they'll call me (as they always do) to ask if I want to make any changes.

They know me well down on 500 Market Ave. :lol:
Ooh, I always wanted to be part of a cult. Will there be a blood sacrifice of an automobile on an altar built out of railroad ties?
*Chuckles out loud*

I'm almost tempted to stage such a thing just to draw upon the lunacy of this situation. :lol:
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Wow, I'm a cult member. That's pretty exciting. This guy makes Scott Walker look like a Rhodes Scholar. Good choice, Ohio!
What have Rhodes Scholars done to make you dislike them so much?
I hope Kasich's public statements encourage LaHood and the FRA to redistribute most, if not all, of the $400 million from Ohio to the Chicago-Detroit, Chicago-St. Louis and other Chicago hub CREATE projects that benefit intercity passenger trains. Michigan asked for $308 million to acquire and upgrade for the Dearborn to Kalamazoo section to 110 mph speeds, but only got $150 million of their request in the FY10 HSIPR grants. If the ex-Ohio funds are spent in upgrades to the Chicago hub and improved services to other Mid-West cities, that will still benefit Ohio in the long run because, after the political climate in Ohio eventually changes, there will be a much improved Chicago hub and lines with busier passenger traffic to connect to in Indiana.
I couldn't agree more. Same for the $800+ million from Wisconsin.
I would agree, I'd rather have other states benefit than compromise with Kasich on this.

Still 40 some days though.
Right now, it's embarressing to live in Ohio. I guess Kasich is against rail since he can't outsource these jobs to China.
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