No Steak? SWC out of LA

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Nov 9, 2005
Amarillo, Texas
Okay, just got on number 4 in Los Angeles. In the past, they have always done a full dinner service. Tonight they announce it is a limited serving and they only have like 3 options and one is NOT the steak.

Is this normal? Or is this a crew deciding to do their own thing?
Well on Amtrak it's normal for the crew to do their own thing. Not a good sign of things to come on your trip.
Another downsizing, perhaps, in a desperate attempt to cut costs. Don't quote me on that as it is not 100% accurate. Hope this is not continual, as I may be on the SWC next month out of LA, and definitely on it this winter out of Chicago. It would be unfortunate if I can't get the steak during dinner period.
Well on Amtrak it's normal for the crew to do their own thing.

I am pretty hacked about this as it is our only dinner. Already emailed customer service.
I'm kind of indifferent at this point. The limited selection is disappointing but the quality of food has already decreased to the point that I hardly miss it anymore. I just wish more stations had quality food options available nearby.
They put out the Express Menus so who knows, maybe a change. Interested to hear anyone else's recent experience.

They are also offering hamburgers for dinner.
The SWC#4 has had the Limited Menu for Dinner out of LAX for several years, but the food used to taste much better than the bland Generic chow Amtrak is now serving in the Diners.

Less for More!, the New Amtrak Way!
The SWC#4 has had the Limited Menu for Dinner out of LAX for several years, but the food used to taste much better than the bland Generic chow Amtrak is now serving in the Diners.

Less for More!, the New Amtrak Way!
...unless Amtrak somehow gets some extra funding or some kind of reorganization takes place. Cost-cutting does not always work, since it can lead to a lower revenue, and lost opportunity for more revenue. They really do need to take some chances.

As for the Ltd Menu on SWC 4, what about on Days 2 and 3, and SWC 3 out of Chicago?
When I rode it in December, there was a limited "express" menu leaving LA. My understanding is that it is now the standard for the first evening and has been for a little while. The full dinner menu was served on the next night.

I do not think it is the crew making it up.
No surprise. Last week when we were on train 3, dinning car seemed to be just a cluster f&*( with their inventory. Too many things were sold out, including iced tea, potato, hmmm too long to list.
"Less for More" or "doing more with less" or "the new normal" (which is NEVER an improvement because if it were they'd call it an improvement) is the theme of our times in EVERYTHING, I think.

I take the TE the end of this week for meetings I have to go to, and I will be sad if there are "limited" dinner choices. There are some foods I cannot eat because of food intolerances....

(Question: if there is a v. limited dining car menu and nothing a person wants to eat, if you go to the lounge car, you still have to pay if you're a sleeping car passenger, right? You can't go to the lounge and say "There's nothing good in the dining car, can I get a yogurt?" and have them hand it to you without charging? I was once on a train that had a bad-ordered dining car and sleeping car passengers were told to get what we wanted (for breakfast) from the lounge and it was comped, but that's different from "The only thing they have in the diner is the crab cakes which are made with things I can't eat")
Just so everyone understands, the express menu is what a full service dining car uses for abreviated seatings. The crew does seem to have a choice in the matter... For example when the Crescent is running late, I've seen dining cars use the full menu, and others still use the express menu. Inventory can also play a part in this.

The express menu usually has chicken, pasta, ans burgers.
"Less for More" or "doing more with less" or "the new normal" (which is NEVER an improvement because if it were they'd call it an improvement) is the theme of our times in EVERYTHING, I think.
They called AGR 2.0 an improvement. I recognize that some people have done better under the new system, and my complaint is mainly against the "2.9¢ per point" claim that I find to be true no more than 15% of the time.

(Question: if there is a v. limited dining car menu and nothing a person wants to eat, if you go to the lounge car, you still have to pay if you're a sleeping car passenger, right? You can't go to the lounge and say "There's nothing good in the dining car, can I get a yogurt?" and have them hand it to you without charging? I was once on a train that had a bad-ordered dining car and sleeping car passengers were told to get what we wanted (for breakfast) from the lounge and it was comped, but that's different from "The only thing they have in the diner is the crab cakes which are made with things I can't eat")
I believe your understanding is correct. If there is a dining care, then sleeping car passengers pay for food obtained from the lounge.
Just so everyone understands, the express menu is what a full service dining car uses for abreviated seatings. The crew does seem to have a choice in the matter... For example when the Crescent is running late, I've seen dining cars use the full menu, and others still use the express menu. Inventory can also play a part in this.

The express menu usually has chicken, pasta, ans burgers.
As a Trails and Rails volunteer, I have been on #19 many times over the past few years. Even when the train was 2 hours late, they still offered only the Express Menu.
I have only ever seen the express menu used when close to arrival. This is the first time ever when departing. And I have made this same departure many many times over the years.
I have only ever seen the express menu used when close to arrival. This is the first time ever when departing. And I have made this same departure many many times over the years.
The dining crew can ask/pester/beg the LSA to institute the express menu at any time anywhere on the route. Today's "full service" menu already resembles the limited express menus from the past, and most selections are precooked and/or frozen anyway, so I'm not sure why they feel the need to cut back even further.
"Less for More" or "doing more with less" or "the new normal" (which is NEVER an improvement because if it were they'd call it an improvement) is the theme of our times in EVERYTHING, I think.

I take the TE the end of this week for meetings I have to go to, and I will be sad if there are "limited" dinner choices. There are some foods I cannot eat because of food intolerances....

(Question: if there is a v. limited dining car menu and nothing a person wants to eat, if you go to the lounge car, you still have to pay if you're a sleeping car passenger, right? You can't go to the lounge and say "There's nothing good in the dining car, can I get a yogurt?" and have them hand it to you without charging? I was once on a train that had a bad-ordered dining car and sleeping car passengers were told to get what we wanted (for breakfast) from the lounge and it was comped, but that's different from "The only thing they have in the diner is the crab cakes which are made with things I can't eat")
Yes, you will have to pay if you go to the lounge car. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, nothing is likely to be comped in the Cafe. Same thing goes for First Class on the Acela. If you're extra hungry or just don't like what we have to serve, I may offer to run back to the Cafe and cook/heat up whatever you'd like "properly" (i.e. in the oven, toaster, etc.), but at cost. Now if we're running out of meals, or you're vegan/vegetarian and we have nothing to suit your needs, I'll offer to run back and get a cheese pizza, vegan burger, veggie dip, etc. A month or two back I was working the Cafe when one of the crew from the Club Car came back and mentioned they had a regular passenger who was vegan and use to eat the old kid's meal (it was Barilla pasta and sauce), but the passenger didn't know that the kid's meal was changed out for a hot dog and cheeseburger. So I gladly offered to write off a vegan burger for the passenger.

Anyway, all that aside...Ask in the dining car. They do offer greek yogurt as part of the continental breakfast, so if they feel they can spare it, they may be willing to give it out for dinner if that's all you really want.
I have only ever seen the express menu used when close to arrival. This is the first time ever when departing. And I have made this same departure many many times over the years.
The dining crew can ask/pester/beg the LSA to institute the express menu at any time anywhere on the route. Today's "full service" menu already resembles the limited express menus from the past, and most selections are precooked and/or frozen anyway, so I'm not sure why they feel the need to cut back even further.
I assume they can't start Dinner Service until the SWC leaves the station, true? If so, that cuts 1.5 to 2 hours off, and I guess the crew needs to expedite wherever possible.

Would printman2000 be happier if they still served him his steak, but had to microwave it to trim off a few prep minutes (just like with the precooked and/or frozen express selections)?
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