Sunset Ltd. #2 (8/04) 14+ HRS Late in W.Texas

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
The Sunset Ltd #2 (8/04) is currently Running 14+ HRS LATE in West Texas due to Mechanical Problems between LAX and Yuma and Crews running out of Hours.

It will be turned in Houston tomorrow (8/07)to become #1 with Passengers beyond Houston being Bustituted and the Passengers on #422 for Stops North of Dallas will spend the Night in San Antonio ( its unclear whether they will stay on the #422 Cutout Cars or go to Hotels on Amtrak's Dime?) and Catch the next Days #422.

Passengers with Stops between SAS and Dallas will be Bustituted from SAS upon arrival into SAS sometime Tonight ( 8/06).:eek::(
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We just left Alpine TX and they've made several announcements about engine trouble, told us to read the emergency exit pamphlets at our seats, and said to hold on to arm rests and hand rails if things get too bumpy.

We are supposed to be in El Paso at 1:22 but according to google maps we will be there at 2:15. Maybe we're still on schedule and it's just a time zone change, not sure. But, we've stopped several times for 5 or 10 minutes.
Engine trouble? Gee, most of the P42 locomotives which pull most Amtrak trains were built 20+ years ago. And maintenance, according to rumors, has been spotty at best. So now you tell me they're breaking down? I guess they just don't build 'em like they used to!
I have been watching these trains lately due to my trip in a couple of weeks. They usually loose a couple of hours between Alpine and El Paso, both directions. I think I read somewhere that they might be doing some track work in the area.
We just left Alpine TX and they've made several announcements about engine trouble, told us to read the emergency exit pamphlets at our seats, and said to hold on to arm rests and hand rails if things get too bumpy.

We are supposed to be in El Paso at 1:22 but according to google maps we will be there at 2:15. Maybe we're still on schedule and it's just a time zone change, not sure. But, we've stopped several times for 5 or 10 minutes.

I thought according to that other thread, you were going to board Sunset Limited going west in Lafayette, LA? If you found another way to go west(i.e. a friend driving you to Houston, or say a bus), I could see how you boarded in Houston. Personally myself I'd be a little disappointed if any part of an Amtrak trip was bustituted, but I would be understanding of it occurring in emergency cases.

The Sunset Ltd #2 (8/04) is currently Running 14+ HRS LATE in West Texas due to Mechanical Problems between LAX and Yuma and Crews running out of Hours.

It will be turned in Houston tomorrow (8/07)to become #1 with Passengers beyond Houston being Bustituted and the Passengers on #422 for Stops North of Dallas will spend the Night in San Antonio ( its unclear whether they will stay on the #422 Cutout Cars or go to Hotels on Amtrak's Dime?) and Catch the next Days #422.

Passengers with Stops between SAS and Dallas will be Bustituted from SAS upon arrival into SAS sometime Tonight ( 8/06).:eek::(

And thanks for posting this thread. I saw on that map a note about service disruption for Sunset Limited eastbound #2, and wondered what was going on myself!
We boarded in Lafayette, but onto a Hotard bus instead of the train. We were bummed. And the station is "unstaffed" so there are only Greyhound employees there, who had no info for us and told us to call the 1-800 #. I was hung up on and put on hold several times, but the bus driver came in and got us all so no one was left behind. There were probably only 10 of us, so we got to spread out on the bus. We were thrilled to see the train waiting for us at Houston. We are about an hour behind schedule now, but somehow they are making up time bc it estimates us an hour early, in L.A.

I thought according to that other thread, you were going to board Sunset Limited going west in Lafayette, LA? If you found another way to go west(i.e. a friend driving you to Houston, or say a bus), I could see how you boarded in Houston. Personally myself I'd be a little disappointed if any part of an Amtrak trip was bustituted, but I would be understanding of it occurring in emergency cases.

And thanks for posting this thread. I saw on that map a note about service disruption for Sunset Limited eastbound #2, and wondered what was going on myself!
From what I understand they left the Antrak engine in Houston, and switched to a CST engine? Or something like that. But still they are saying there are "problems" and for us to be aware of emergency exits. I'm just taking it as them being super cautious.
Engine trouble? Gee, most of the P42 locomotives which pull most Amtrak trains were built 20+ years ago. And maintenance, according to rumors, has been spotty at best. So now you tell me they're breaking down? I guess they just don't build 'em like they used to!
We boarded in Lafayette, but onto a Hotard bus instead of the train. We were bummed. And the station is "unstaffed" so there are only Greyhound employees there, who had no info for us and told us to call the 1-800 #. I was hung up on and put on hold several times, but the bus driver came in and got us all so no one was left behind. There were probably only 10 of us, so we got to spread out on the bus. We were thrilled to see the train waiting for us at Houston. We are about an hour behind schedule now, but somehow they are making up time bc it estimates us an hour early, in L.A.

Ah, so there was a bustitution for those east of Houston. Did your bus also stop at IIRC, also Lake Charles and Beaumont(not sure if I'm forgetting any stops between Lafayette and Houston) to pick up those passengers? Or were separate buses probably called, for passengers leaving from those stations? Thanks for confirming.
told us to read the emergency exit pamphlets at our seats, and said to hold on to arm rests and hand rails if things get too bumpy.

That’s a standard announcement that they will give pretty much every time they leave the initial terminal or after major stops where lots of new passengers have boarded.

Don’t read anything into that as being specific to your trip right now.
I live east of LA, about 10 min on the sunset Usually passes my house about 1010 10:15 PM...
Last night it passed here at 11:30 PM so whatever problems they had definitely started in LA before they left
Yes, we stopped at both those.
Ah, so there was a bustitution for those east of Houston. Did your bus also stop at IIRC, also Lake Charles and Beaumont(not sure if I'm forgetting any stops between Lafayette and Houston) to pick up those passengers? Or were separate buses probably called, for passengers leaving from those stations? Thanks for confirming.
Standard to stop 3-4x saying sorry for the delay, we are having some engine problems?
That’s a standard announcement that they will give pretty much every time they leave the initial terminal or after major stops where lots of new passengers have boarded.

Don’t read anything into that as being specific to your trip right now.
We live in Scott (2 mins outside Lafayette) and we are so close to the tracks our windows rattle!) We would have gotten to pass our horse on the way had we not been bustituted, but on the way back we should be able to!
I live east of LA, about 10 min on the sunset Usually passes my house about 1010 10:15 PM...
Last night it passed here at 11:30 PM so whatever problems they had definitely started in LA before they left
Oh ok. Well they said it all in one announcement today so it seemed like the two things went together. Never said anything like that yesterday after any stops.
He is referring to the reminder to read the emergency instruction folder...
Instead of arriving in Los Angeles at 5:30 am we'll be there closer to 9. The cafe has run out of all food and drinks except for coffee which they are giving free.
I'm sure they stock the train there, to go back to New Orleans tonight. Either way we'll be eating breakfast lunch and dinner in LA

Too bad to hear that. At least on the Cardinal train I was on, there were a few things left towards the end of the trip. Sucks they ran out of food, on your train. Hopefully you brought some backup snacks before boarding the bus and Sunset in one of your bags, to be safe. Or found a vending machine inside the station house of one of the smoke/stretch stops, along the way. Did you decide to try a burrito, from the El Paso burrito lady? Hope you are having a good trip.
Oh yeah, we had stuff. But like for the kids cereal, we couldn't buy any milk. We had lots of snacks though.
Too bad to hear that. At least on the Cardinal train I was on, there were a few things left towards the end of the trip. Sucks they ran out of food, on your train. Hopefully you brought some backup snacks before boarding the bus and Sunset in one of your bags, to be safe. Or found a vending machine inside the station house of one of the smoke/stretch stops, along the way. Did you decide to try a burrito, from the El Paso burrito lady? Hope you are having a good trip.