New Connection from Boston

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Aug 23, 2002
As Superliner Diner mentioned 141 is now running out of Boston. On the surface it may not seem like a big deal, but it is. This now creates a new connection from Boston to 91 serving the inner Carolinas, Tampa, and Lakeland. I personally am taking advantage of this new connection. Amfleet and I shuffled our plans for July around, and we will now take 141 from Providence to New York and then 91 from New York to Miami. The best part, we knocked $60 off the fare by doing this. Can't beat that!
Good to see another Florida connection, glad it's benefitted your plans. Speaking of Amfleet, what's happened to him? His site doesn't seem to be online more and it's been awhile since he's made a post.
He went to Community College last semester but left due to work. He's working for Cape Air right now (a division of Continental), with pretty good seniority. He'll be moving to Boca in August to go to Lynn University.
Thanks for the update Sean, sounds like he's doing alright for himself...I'd like to say best of wishes to him and good luck in Boca and at the new university. B)
Hey everyone. Yes I’m still alive, but life has sort of been taking me a new road this year. While graduating from high school last year I had not applied to any colleges as I had no clue of what kind of career path I wanted to take or school I wanted to go to. So I ended up taking a few basic courses at a local community college in the fall. It was really my taste and it just felt like an additional year of high school. In the mean time, as Sean mentioned, I’m working for Cape Air, which is a local commuter airline of New England, Florida, Caribbean, and Micronesia operating select routes under Continental Connection and Continental Micronesia. There I work as a customer service agent and while part time in the fall I became full time thru the winter working 5-6 days a week. While working for Cape Air my interests in aviation really began to take off and I saw it as a career opportunity in the future. So looking at colleges I found Lynn University in Boca Raton that offers aviation/airline management and flight training. I applied and got accepted with a scholarship and will be starting this coming fall.

So between working full time and going to school part time I really began to loose the touch on the Amtrak world, though I still followed up on what was going on (though nothing new until the past couple of weeks really). I still hang out with Sean from time to time. This past March we covered the entire Tri-Rail line and visited The Gold-Coast Railroad Museum in Miami. However, we got caught unexpectedly in the midst of Thomas the Tank Engine day so all the exhibits were shut down. Though, we did get and unexpected short cab ride in a 1951 GP-7, which was neat. This summer Sean will be coming north and we’ve booked and are confirmed on trains 141 and 91 down to Florida. In Florida we hope to hit the museum again and go in some of the old Amtrak Heritage equipment. I really look forward to this trip as I still have my love for rail travel and it’s been almost a year since I have stepped aboard an Amtrak train.

I still visit the forums from time to time, but I hadn’t realized it’s been so long since I posted! I’ll try to become more active again and stop in from time to time. Anyways, sorry to ramble on, hope everyone is doing well themselves and still riding those trains! Take care.


P.S. Those trying to access my website, it has been down so I could clean it up a bit. Most of the work is done and I’ll try to get it back up over the next few weeks.
Congrats Jon, Hope the career in avaition takes off. Transportation all thogethor is a very vital and interesting industry. Good Luck!
Great to hear from you again Jon, glad you've gotten that scholarship to Lynn University. Trip sounds pretty exciting, sounds like you and Sean will have a blast, and hopefully things will work out better at the museum this time. Looking forward to seeing your website up again soon. Thanks for the detailed update