Text of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2018

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Aug 24, 2003
Space Coast, Florida, Area code 3-2-1
Here is the entire text of the Consolidated Appropriation Act 2018 including all Senate and House Amendments, in PDF. It is huge, so do not try to access it unless you have a reasonable speed internet connection and a bunch of free storage. Matters related to Amtrak and Transit start on or about page 1622.


Have a go at it...
Actually, the bill is neither complicated nor perverse as far as any bill from Congress goes. It is just tedious to sift through all the text. The Amtrak and Transit part is pretty straightforward. As far as is known so far there are no secret clauses containing any rescission that are out of the blue either.

In some sense the previous one with $900 million for Gateway for more opaque, since that money was hidden away under various other titles and subject areas.