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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. L

    What Type Of People Ride Amtrak

    Sure, believe me I love the idea of trains and hope they eventually flourish again. I appreciate the replies, as I came here hoping I'd find some reasoning to walk out my door, walk a block, and hop on the train...there is convenience value to that..... but it's just silly that it takes 21...
  2. L

    Why is Amtrak coach more expensive than flying?

    In fact, yes I just took a 6 hour TGV ride in first class and I was ready to jump off the train by the end.....all the swaying back and forth, people continuously walking around, no movies playing, etc. No amount of reading or walking up and down the train could occupy my time. Also took an 8...
  3. L

    Why is Amtrak coach more expensive than flying?

    I'm with you man....still miffed why they dont figure this one out. I think there's more pain associated with sitting in a coach train seat for 20+ hours than being squeezed on a plane for 3.....they need to provide more incentive to the market.
  4. L

    What Type Of People Ride Amtrak

    It depends how much time is of value to you. Unfortunately, I dont think a cult following will bring back the system.....a minority of people paying for tickets now will only put money in some CEO's pocket. It needs to be driven by the market or government. Los Angeles to Chicago.... man, I...
  5. L

    What Type Of People Ride Amtrak

    I appreciate all of your replies, but I guess the current system just isn't conducive to my travel needs. From the types of replies I'm seeing, people who take Amtrak have plenty of time and like to meander along the countryside and want to see all the sites. Plus, they're really bothered by...
  6. L

    What Type Of People Ride Amtrak

    What type of people do you find on Amtrak trains? I'm a grad student, live a block from the Amtrak station, and am curious what really draws people to ride. The recent fuel cost spike has made me think twice about driving or flying, but when I look at Amtrak it just really miff's me that they...