AGR credit card questions

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OBS Chief
Aug 13, 2012
Lancaster, PA

I've been thinking of getting the AGR credit card since it's free and seems a good way to earn some extra points. I do have a few questions though.

1. I've been an AGR member for 3 years, but no credit card. If I get it, am I eligible for the 12k point bonus?

2. I have no credit history. I am a college student living with my parents. I've held a stable part time job for 12 months now and will be keeping it, if that has any bearing on it. Would I be eligible for this card or would the lack of credit history stop me from this? Anybody know?

3. Is it really free? As long as I pay my balance on time, no hidden fees or interest that I would be hit with? Nothing to worry about?

I've asked jim about this before and he gave me good answers, but I figured before I'd call or apply I'd ask if maybe someone might have an experience with them in my situation?
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1) The 12k (or whatever) bonus is for obtaining AND using the card at least once. The bonus is not connected to how long you have been an AGR memer.

2) Whether you qualify for the card (and what type of card) is entirely up to Chase and their credit criteria.

3) I have the Chase "World" card and yes, it is free. I can't speak of the other cards. The actual card issued is dependent on your credit-worthiness as determined by Chase.

Good luck and, if you qualify, can start earning points. I use it for "everyday" things I used to use my debit card for.
Yes, it is totally free - except you may get addicted to the free trips you'll earn! :p Really, as long as you pay your balance in full, there is never any extra fees or charges. And the 5% rebate on award redemptions does not hurt! :)
Ok, thanks for the info. I submitted my application. Living with parents and having no monthly rent might seem like a throw off though, so who knows. Does not hurt to try, though, and benefits can be great.
I don't think you need a particularly high credit for the World (Amtrak) MC. Then again there are no fees (unless you don't pay the balance) so perhaps there might be a bit of a requirement.
You don't have to pay the balance, just make at least the minimum payment on time and there are no fees. There will be interest, of course.

Speaking of interest, my World Card has a really good interest rate and I make darn sure everything is on time to protect that. Like most cards, miss or be late with a payment and the game changes!
I was in the same position as you (just out of college with no history). I got rejected for this card until I had ~1 year of perfect credit history.
I would not get a card if you're in a position where you aren't able to pay it in full each month. I'm a college student also, and it's just not a good idea.

I don't think that you'll be approved, unfortunately. I applied for it when I only had a few months of history, and was denied. I waited a year and got a Chase Sapphire Preferred instead (I travel a lot).

I'd get a Discover It student card. Always pay on time, pay it off in full each month, and by this time next year, you'll have a good credit score.
Rewards cards generally carry a higher APR so therefore you should always try to pay off the statement every month. If you do carry a balance, look for other cards instead.
To be a bit more precise the enrollment bonus depends upon spending $500 during first 3 months with the card to get the 12k bonus. To get the 18k bonus you need to spend $1000 during the first three months. It is not a mater of just using the card once in order to qualify.
To be a bit more precise the enrollment bonus depends upon spending $500 during first 3 months with the card to get the 12k bonus. To get the 18k bonus you need to spend $1000 during the first three months. It is not a mater of just using the card once in order to qualify.
Manufactured Spending will get the job done easily.
My wife and I each have our own Chase AGR card accounts (only separate accounts other than IRAs we have ever had).

And yes, we were both AGR members for a long time before applying for a card (me getting my card a few years ago and her a few months ago)

And yes, we both got bonuses. me 12K :( and her 18K :)

And no, since we pay them off every month, we have never paid a dime in fees :) :) :)

And is it a benefit? Well, two 1 zone round trips in a bedroom this year (used 100K points) and I have 33K and she 57K plus a companion coupon.

Next year three 1 zone one-way trips (ATL -> DET, DET -> ABQ, ABQ - NOL) and then pay from NOL to ATL for her and free companion voucher for me).

Rough life.
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I would not get a card if you're in a position where you aren't able to pay it in full each month. I'm a college student also, and it's just not a good idea.
Getting the card has very little to do with it. Just don't spend more than you can afford to pay off.
Yup you pay what you charge -- in a year or two you have "excellent" credit.

You pay the minimum - the card companies love you, you pay them huge interest, and any one late pay -- sorry "we have increased your account to the penalty rate"

But sorry. Off-topic. Obviously the card companies screw you as best they can.

My experience with the Chase AGR and the Chase CSP has been good, they deliver what they promised.

But like any credit thing, be prepared to to pay the whole amount on the spot, not if but when the lousy bank goes broke and your taxes bail the (expletives deleted) -- sorry sorry rant -- rant--

Like the Amtrak and the sapphire -- have actually used the points. Keep on using the two.
I don't think you need a particularly high credit for the World (Amtrak) MC. Then again there are no fees (unless you don't pay the balance) so perhaps there might be a bit of a requirement.
In order to get any World Mastercard, you must qualify for at least a $10,000 credit line.

I don't believe that Chase puts any other requirement than that for the AGR card.
I don't think you need a particularly high credit for the World (Amtrak) MC. Then again there are no fees (unless you don't pay the balance) so perhaps there might be a bit of a requirement.
In order to get any World Mastercard, you must qualify for at least a $10,000 credit line.

I don't believe that Chase puts any other requirement than that for the AGR card.
I have the AGR "World" Mastercard, and it does not have a $10,000 credit line.
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Just got email and phone call from Chase notifting me that someone in California was attempting to use my # on line for various charges.

The friendly agent went over the charges for the past couple of weeks and I verified my legit charges and the hacked charges.

The agent told me that Chase had a Major Security Breech recently! The Card was canceled and a new one mailed out. I received it within 4 days and notified all my auto pay accounts of the new number.

If you didn't receive this notice you may want to check your account anyway, sound practice on all bills due to "mistakes" both intentional and in error!
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Just got email and phone call from Chase notifting me that someone in California was attempting to use my # on line for various charges.

The friendly agent went over the charges for the past couple of weeks and I verified my legit charges and the hacked charges.

The agent told me that Chase had a Major Security Breech recently! The Card was canceled and a new one mailed out. I received it within 4 days and notified all my auto pay accounts of the new number.

If you didn't receive this notice you may want to check your account anyway, sound practice on all bills due to "mistakes" both intentional and in error!
Chase had a breach several weeks ago...
I have several cards though Chase - a few of which I never, ever use.

One of the unused cards had a $35K line of credit. When I applied for the Amtrak MasterCard, I spoke to a representative and told her that I will be using that card as my primary card in the future. She suggested that we decrease the line of credit on the unused card and apply that to the Amtrak Card. I now have $15K on each card.
I don't think you need a particularly high credit for the World (Amtrak) MC. Then again there are no fees (unless you don't pay the balance) so perhaps there might be a bit of a requirement.
In order to get any World Mastercard, you must qualify for at least a $10,000 credit line.

I don't believe that Chase puts any other requirement than that for the AGR card.
I have the AGR "World" Mastercard, and it does not have a $10,000 credit line.
Same with me.