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Nov 12, 2011
Well, it is all but tied up. Barrack Obama has won his second term as President of the United States, and Joe Biden remains as second-in-command.

Now, the what-ifs. For Amtrak? For Passenger Rail as a whole?

The Congressional races are still being tallied, but it also seems as if the politics between dominant political parties remain. Democrats retain control of the Senate, Republicans retain control of the House.

Should be an interesting next 4 years for our beloved National Railroad Passenger Corporation!
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Right now many unserved areas don't have a high chance of getting a train, so my best bet is expanded NYP-CHI service. Maybe starting off with through cars and then going to a full train. Hope something like that happens.
The next 2 years likely won't be too much different than the last 4. We'll see new single level equipment come online, new electric motors, and steady growth in revenue and income.

After that, we'll have to see what the 114th Congress brings.
Congrats to the Winners in ALL of the Races :hi: , Especially Amtrak Joe Biden ;) !! The American People have spoken, so we'll get on with Life in the Best Country on Earth! Unfortunately here in Texas, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a good friend of Amtrak and Saviour of the Texas Eagle, has Retired and is being replaced by a Tea Party candidate that has pledged to do away with frivilous things like Amtrak!
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Congrats to the Winners in ALL of the Races :hi: , Especially Amtrak Joe Biden ;) !! The American People have spoken,
And we better keep speaking, and constantly remind those the we have sent/voted to represent us, that we will not tolerate their games, that we insist that they do the jobs we are paying the for, They Work for us!
The state legislatures are really where most of the funding will come from, and where the battles will be.
Yes, we will have to wait and see what the make-up of the House of Representatives will be and what the results were for the states that are prospects for expansion of Amtrak service such as Iowa.

But much of the funding, other than CA, for passenger rail projects will come from the federal government. Amtrak should continue to get $1.4+ billion in annual federal funding. I expect the Obama adminstration will continue efforts to get funding for high(er) speed rail in the budget after the fiscal cliff and tax issues are settled.
I'm with Ryan. Our Ryan, not the zero-taxes guy. I doubt there will be much in the way of serious change for federal Amtrak funding over the next two years thanks to a continued stalemate between the House and the Senate. There's really no way to predict much beyond that timeline with any accuracy. However, at least with regard to federal Amtrak funding, this was probably the best possible outcome. I would suggest pro-rail folks of all political stripes take a moment to savor two more years of continued funding. Even if you didn't vote for a pro-Amtrak politician you can still benefit from using Amtrak. And who knows, maybe both sides will present pro-rail platforms in the future. If enough people make their positions known it might change things down the line. One can always hope anyway.
This is pure speculation, but we may actually see more progress in passenger rail in the next four years than we saw in the previous four. Taking a look at the previous 8-year presidency, many of the issues which Bush is (rightly or wrongly) criticized for, occurred during the second half of his presidency. Now that the Obama administration has less to lose (he can't be reelected), we might see a renewed push for expanded rail and transit service. This is a controversial issue for certain and without having to toe the line for reelection, we may see a stronger push in this area.
This is pure speculation, but we may actually see more progress in passenger rail in the next four years than we saw in the previous four. Taking a look at the previous 8-year presidency, many of the issues which Bush is (rightly or wrongly) criticized for, occurred during the second half of his presidency. Now that the Obama administration has less to lose (he can't be reelected), we might see a renewed push for expanded rail and transit service. This is a controversial issue for certain and without having to toe the line for reelection, we may see a stronger push in this area.
No predictions here - hope reason and unbiased cost-benefit will support more trains -- which would sure help me more than more motofuel and freeway would help me.

We'll see what happens.
The Republicans will still have majority in the house and Representative Mica was re-elected. What are the chances that he remains as Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee?
The election result is a continuation of the status quo, so I do not expect any significant changes. Amtrak will continue to limp along with starvation appropriations, enough to keep the existing network functioning but no expansions or improvements. It will continue to be punching bag, but ultimately not killed by Congress. The 2nd Obama administration will not advocate killing it, but won't go out of its way to push for more support, either. Basically it is way on the back burner for them as it usually is for most administrations that aren't actively trying to kill it.

In other words, the situation remains as it basically always has been since, well, 1971.

The actual wild card is the requirement for full state support of trains under 750 miles per PRIIA next year. That is almost certainly going to go into effect, and will mean the death of any short/medium run trains in states that refuse to financially kick in. The Hoosier State comes to mind as one of the likely victims.
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While both houses of the Minnesota state legislature went Democrat, Wisconsin went more Republican. No strong action on a state supported CHI-MSP in the next 2 years.
Congrats to the Winners in ALL of the Races :hi: , Especially Amtrak Joe Biden ;) !! The American People have spoken, so we'll get on with Life in the Best Country on Earth! Unfortunately here in Texas, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a good friend of Amtrak and Saviour of the Texas Eagle, has Retired and is being replaced by a Tea Party candidate that has pledged to do away with frivilous things like Amtrak!
Does the State of Texas support the Texas Eagle financially?

If not, what can they do to stop the train?
While both houses of the Minnesota state legislature went Democrat, Wisconsin went more Republican. No strong action on a state supported CHI-MSP in the next 2 years.
I'm in MN -- any route to Iowa we can do? Looks like a better deal than WI - let WI isolate itself - darned CHeeseHeADS anyhow. :)
(Replying to 'NW cannonball' & 'Exiled In Express') : I suggest looking at a Twin Cities to Kansas City route, via Des Moines. A second suggestion is to go from Saint Paul to Winnipeg, MB. One issue you will encounter is Iowa Governor Branstead, and many Iowa Rs, have adopted the anti-passenger rail attitude. It will be a challenge getting support for additional trains from those who only see one train each way per day, or those who have no service at all. As I have encountered in Wisconsin, it is easy for those who have never been aboard a train, or never had a reason to ever ride a train, to oppose expansion of train service. They didn't feel any need for it before -- you'll have to get them to see the need for it tomorrow.

I mean, those of us who post here see the need for expanded passenger train service. The trick will be convincing those who have never seen any need to take a train to support service expansion.
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I'm in MN -- any route to Iowa we can do? Looks like a better deal than WI - let WI isolate itself - darned CHeeseHeADS anyhow. :)
I don't know the rail network well at all but I believe there was an option disucssed in previous threads, both longer and slower. Rather than take the politically expedient but less preferred option on Chicago, I'd prefer if the Northstar is extended to Saint Cloud and frequnecy beefed up as well as get Duluth in the construction stage and accelerate a fourth and fifth metro light rail line.
Congrats to the Winners in ALL of the Races :hi: , Especially Amtrak Joe Biden ;) !! The American People have spoken, so we'll get on with Life in the Best Country on Earth! Unfortunately here in Texas, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a good friend of Amtrak and Saviour of the Texas Eagle, has Retired and is being replaced by a Tea Party candidate that has pledged to do away with frivilous things like Amtrak!
Does the State of Texas support the Texas Eagle financially?

If not, what can they do to stop the train?
No, the Eagle is a 100% Federally Supported LD Train! The heartland Flyer from FTW-OKC is supported by both Oklahoma and Texas! The reason Senator Hutchison is considered a friend of Amtrak and Saviour of the Eagle is that as a US Senator she helped put Money into Amtrak when Presidents of Both Parties recommended Zeroing out Amtrak's Budget! She also placed Riders that "Earmarked" Funding for the Texas Eagle into Legislation! :)

In the case of the Heartland Flyer it doesnt seem that the State of Kansas is going to contribute any Funding so the Route can be expanded! So the Status Quo will be maintained with this Train! :(
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While both houses of the Minnesota state legislature went Democrat, Wisconsin went more Republican. No strong action on a state supported CHI-MSP in the next 2 years.
I'm in MN -- any route to Iowa we can do? Looks like a better deal than WI - let WI isolate itself - darned CHeeseHeADS anyhow. :)
Consider the possibility of a MSP - CHI service via the original CB&Q/GN route - the real route of the Empire Builder! :)

I wonder what if any, will be the effect of the Governor changing hands from Dem to Rep in North Carolina.
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What I predict is that Amtrak will continue to grow for the next four years, taking in larger passenger revenues AND larger subsidies. They will not do any better in generating non-ticket revenue nor controlling bad labor and the costs associated with golden retirement packages.

They will fall deeper in debt and will become even a greater target in 4 years due to mismanagement of employees and funds.
While I think Amtrak is going to continue steadily improve over time, and I don't think that there will be much in the way of increased federal operating subsidies, I do hope that we will continue to see capital grants made to Amtrak and the states for infrastructure and equipment. I think the grants that were issued by the FRA as part of the stimulus package and other legislation were resoundingly successful, despite some high profile rejections by Republican governors. I truly hope to see more of the same, though I think for practical and political reasons we should shift the focus to "passenger rail" from exclusively "high speed rail."
I agree with this. HSR is not the real answer. I'd rather see those Billions of $$$$$$ put into Amtrak to improve and/or expand service. And I'm not just saying that because I live on a 150 MPH stretch! Many more people in (say) MT, NV, NM, AR or WV I think would rather have another "slow" train that have a semi short stretch of 200+ MPH in some other area of country!
While both houses of the Minnesota state legislature went Democrat, Wisconsin went more Republican. No strong action on a state supported CHI-MSP in the next 2 years.
If Minnesota is willing to provide the subsidy for a Chicago to Twin Cities daily corridor train over the EB route, then it can run through Wisconsin. Wi has little to say about it if it does not require funding from WI. The train would run on privately freight railroad tracks. There might some issues to work out on the Hiawatha scheduling, but if WI does not have to pay for the train while getting a second daily train over the route, there is no reason for them to try to block it, even if they could. Maine pays for the Downeaster with NH contributing nothing, even though the NH stops on the route have greatly benefited from the service.

It is a different matter for a building a 110 or 90 mph corridor service with major track upgrades through WI. Then, yes, MN and the federal government would look to WI to contribute state funds for their share of the project as WI would obviously benefit. Since Walker is not likely to support any such project, the engineering studies and EIS reviews can continue to pick out a route, define what track upgrades are needed, and finish the FEIS process while waiting for a post-Walker era in WI.
I agree with this. HSR is not the real answer. I'd rather see those Billions of $$$$$$ put into Amtrak to improve and/or expand service. And I'm not just saying that because I live on a 150 MPH stretch! Many more people in (say) MT, NV, NM, AR or WV I think would rather have another "slow" train that have a semi short stretch of 200+ MPH in some other area of country!
I'm inclined to agree -- but for those who say to skip WI, I have already made my suggestions about connecting Saint Paul with Omaha or Kansas City. Also, make the service more than one-train-per-day-each-way. Think of the population centers served along the route, not just the endpoints -- that is one way to argue for better service: point out the population served along the line.
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