Cardinal Info and questions

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Jun 13, 2008
Central Jersey
After planning and thinking we were on the Lake Shore Limited for the first leg of our cross country trek it turns out we were on the Cardinal from NYP to CHI so any tips ideas and suggestions

also what is the food Diner lite CCC or whatever can you explain that part to me Thanks so much

also any thing i need to no about the Cardinal
The big things about the Cardinal is that there are no separate lounge car and dining car and there is no checked baggage. The car is combined, ½ being used as food service and ½ being the "lounge". Since there is no kitchen or grill, there is no freshly made meals onboard. All meals are reheated by your server in the convection oven.

Which way are you traveling on the Cardinal? :huh: The Cardinal has what many consider the best scenery east of the Mississippi. :) Eastbound (CHI-NYP) is in daylight but westbound (NYP-CHI) may be in darkness during the most scenic stretch. :(
This probably wont answer your question, but I LOVE riding the Cardinal! I've been on a few trains, and eventhough this one isnt as big as some others, it has some beautiful scenery. I've also found the staff to be very nice. I stayed in roomettes when I rode it, and I dont think I would go any other way! Enjoy your trip!
Yeah actually a few weeks ago I was in shenandoah national park and i saw some of the track I'm really looking forward to it plus now if i'm taking the Cardnail i have an excuse to go on another trip and try the LSL :D
i've been watching some railfan video of the cardinal passing by the viewliner car has either been the first or last car i mean that makes sense but how do they determine it and does it matter what are the pros and cons of each (I am in roomette #8 is that in the front or back?)
i've been watching some railfan video of the cardinal passing by the viewliner car has either been the first or last car i mean that makes sense but how do they determine it and does it matter what are the pros and cons of each (I am in roomette #8 is that in the front or back?)
Its better if the car you are in is further from the engine. The horn can be very loud. Since The Cardinal doesn't have a baggage car, a coach or sleeper could be next to the engine. Every time I've ridden The cardinal the sleeper has been on the end, or near the end if they have deadhead cars on the train for Beech Grove.

Also, there is no front or back to a sleeper car. One time it could have the bedrooms toward the front of the train and the next time toward the rear, thus placing a certain roomette number on either side. Its the luck of the draw.
so its luck of the draw weather or not its on the front or back?
Nope, as of right now, the Cardinal is running with its sleeper on the back—at all times. You won't need to worry about that. What is up in the air is which direction the sleeper will be facing: with the deluxes toward the front of the car, or with the roommettes.

I enjoyed the spring rolls,short rib,french toast,and bacon cheese burger from my LSL round trip last month.

"Spring rolls are fried pastries that can be found in several Asian countries, most notably China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia."

From Wikipedia "spring roll".
well if i see them on the menu I will deff try them out and let every1 no in my trip report

will they be on the cardinal?

Also my big question what is this lay over in Indianapolis about?? thanks
There is no layover in IND. If you mean a long stop, it is part schedule padding and IND is very near Beech Grove - the main repair center for Amtrak. The Cardinal transports many cars (and locos) there.
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